Barely a mention

It’s only women.

In President Joe Biden’s first State of the Union since Roe was overturned and half of the country lost their right to be seen as full human beings, abortion barely merited a mention. In a speech where ‘junk fees’ got nineteen sentences, reproductive rights got just four:

“Congress must restore the right the Supreme Court took away last year and codify Roe v. Wade to protect every woman’s constitutional right to choose. The Vice President and I are doing everything we can to protect access to reproductive health care and safeguard patient privacy. But already, more than a dozen states are enforcing extreme abortion bans. Make no mistake; if Congress passes a national abortion ban, I will veto it.”

Oh, gee, thanks – IF the situation gets even worse, he’ll say no. Big woop. The situation is bad NOW.

In all, Biden spoke on abortion for about thirty seconds. And while the president found emotion and energy when talking about other issues facing the nation, he seemed to almost shrug out the perfunctory few sentences on abortion.

Well, he’s Joe Biden. He’s never been a feminist. He’s a “devout” Catholic. He threw Anita Hill to the wolves. He’s never been a feminist.

We didn’t even get a full minute of his time.

If President Biden gave American women any message tonight, it’s this: We’re on our own.

It’s only women. He’s not much interested.

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