Even better people

What looms ahead:

In the interview [with Tucker Carlson], Trump said that his administration was hampered by bad staffing choices — picking a kind of Republican he derisively referred to as “Bushies” for top jobs, citing former Attorney General Bill Barr as an example. This time around, Trump said, that won’t happen: “We’ll have even better people if we do this because now I know Washington.”

There’s every reason to believe he’s serious about this. Reporting by the New York Times’s Jonathan Swan and others has revealed extensive preparations to ensure that, this time around, everyone in power is loyal to him — including brazen power grabs like the mass firing of career civil servants and asserting direct presidential control over historically independent federal agencies.

Trump unchained, in short, doesn’t just mean skipping debates to stoke conspiracist flames with Tucker Carlson. It means that, if Trump wins the general election again, he will be even more dangerous than he was the last time around. And if he loses, he will attack the result’s legitimacy however he sees fit — with the weight of a Republican Party, held captive by its own voters, at his back.

We have about a year and a half to live.

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