Grave concern about structural barriers

UN Human Rights High Commissioner issues a slimy manipulative statement pretending to defend women’s rights while actually stamping on them.

Expressing grave concern about structural barriers to sport faced by women and girls in all of their diversity, lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and other gender diverse persons and intersex persons, a group of UN experts* today issued a policy position urging States and other stakeholders to respect the right of all to participate in cultural life through sports and games and to tackle discrimination against, and enforcement of equal treatment of all athletes, especially women and girls in all their diversity, LGBT and intersex persons.

This of course means the opposite of what it appears to mean. It doesn’t mean women and girls in all of their diversity, it means women and girls plus men and boys who claim to be women and girls. It’s that grotesquely twisted.

They also urged States to review standards of inclusion of intersex and trans persons to ensure compliance with human rights obligations and the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

In other words the bit about women at the beginning was just trickery. The real point is to destroy women’s sports for the sake of men who are willing to call themselves women in order to get medals and prizes they would otherwise have no hope of getting.

The experts also expressed concern at attempts to use the male-female categorisation in sport to argue for the exclusion of trans women and women with intersex variations from female categories, and the recent intensification and instrumentalisation of this debate, which has led to the adoption of restrictive measures in law and public policy by State institutions and sporting bodies alike.

In other words they expressed concern at attempts to keep women’s sports for women.

“Categoric exclusions of trans and intersex women from women’s sports is a prima facie violation of human rights obligations under the principle of non-discrimination, and their right to privacy,” the experts said.

LIKE HELL IT IS. The violation of human rights obligations is letting men infiltrate women’s sports.

“We are also deeply worried by the accompanying, oftentimes offensive, and even hateful targeting of trans and intersex persons in social media and public discourse, especially as it links to their sense of self and bodily autonomy, as those actions impact their physical and mental integrity,” they said.

What about women? What about women? What about women, you absolute scumbags? Why are you not deeply worried about women and their sense of self and bodily autonomy and physical and mental integrity????

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