Miracle on Eleventy Seventh Street

Biology according to Pink News:

Trans fems have periods too!

It’s true! Many trans-feminine people on estrogen experience menstrual cycles similar to that of people with uteruses due to gender-affirming treatment.

Because of the shift in hormones, several trans people on feminising doses have reported that they experience hormonal cycles consistent with premenstrual syndrome.

Symptoms have been noted to include feelings of anxiety, changes in appetite, mood swings, cramps, fatigue, and more. Bleeding is not part of the cycle for those assigned male at birth (AMAB).

You don’t say. If bleeding were part of the cycle, where would it come from and where would it go? Would it be chunks? Because, news flash, menstrual bleeding isn’t like bleeding from a knife cut; it has chunks. If men could bleed as “part of the cycle” then where would the chunks come from and what would they be?

And for any TERFs still reading – no, just because trans-feminine individuals don’t bleed doesn’t invalidate the factual things that are happening to their bodies.

Sure, bro, but just because trans-feminine individuals are sucking down the estrogen ≠ they are menstruating.

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