Also shoving women aside on International Women’s Day: Jeremy Corbyn.
Except this isn't actually true Jeremy. Don't be led by the nose by your post-modern millennial office staff who have swallowed misogynist gender ideology. Listen to someone who was there, @FredSargeant:
Give some thought to how easily the destruction of a woman’s actions are being erased in modern times when we have written and photographic evidence of the truth and accounts by people who not only were there but are still alive to speak the truth. Now think about how easily the actions of so many women may have been similarly erased from history.
Jeremy Corbyn, though perhaps personally a fairly nice and kind man, is a moral idiot, by which I mean someone whose so fences himself round with high moral principles that he is unable to see reality and its complexity. Since I live in Japan, I didn’t take much notice of him (apart from being irritated by his querulousness or his unctuous sincerity whenever I happened to come across him speaking on the internet), but any respect I might conceivably have felt for him was lost as a result of his assertion (following John Pilger) that NATO’s intervention in Bosnia & Kosovo was based on fraudulent accusations of genocide – though he was busily and self-protectively tweeting away about the horrors of that genocide in 2021; his denouncing, in 2011, of NATO as ‘a danger to the world’; his immediate response to suggestions of Russian involvement in the poisonings in Salisbury; and his pathetic response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Posthumously retconning gay men into straight women isn’t the progressive move that Corbyn et al apparently think it is.
Sometimes you see some men claim that women didn’t do anything of note in history. Yet here we have a perfect example of a woman (Stormé DeLarverie) being written out of history right in front of our eyes and two men put in her place (even though both of those men in life were honest about NOT EVEN BEING THERE when the riot kicked off).
Give some thought to how easily the destruction of a woman’s actions are being erased in modern times when we have written and photographic evidence of the truth and accounts by people who not only were there but are still alive to speak the truth. Now think about how easily the actions of so many women may have been similarly erased from history.
Jeremy Corbyn, though perhaps personally a fairly nice and kind man, is a moral idiot, by which I mean someone whose so fences himself round with high moral principles that he is unable to see reality and its complexity. Since I live in Japan, I didn’t take much notice of him (apart from being irritated by his querulousness or his unctuous sincerity whenever I happened to come across him speaking on the internet), but any respect I might conceivably have felt for him was lost as a result of his assertion (following John Pilger) that NATO’s intervention in Bosnia & Kosovo was based on fraudulent accusations of genocide – though he was busily and self-protectively tweeting away about the horrors of that genocide in 2021; his denouncing, in 2011, of NATO as ‘a danger to the world’; his immediate response to suggestions of Russian involvement in the poisonings in Salisbury; and his pathetic response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.