A new Pecksniff

You can’t sue people for saying that men are not women.

I know that’s too obvious to bother saying, but this guy

First there’s the headline.

Help WOKEN Sue Darren Grimes – Transphobia Against Brianna Ghey

Help what? Is “woken” a new trans verb that means “wake up” or “rouse to action”? Are we being asked to help spur Sue Darren Grimes into being less sleepy?

Or is “woken” an adjective that applies to Sue Darren Grimes? Is Sue one of those boring woke people who keep prodding us to be more woke? Or “woken” for extra elegance?

And what does the part after the hyphen mean? What about Transphobia Against Brianna Ghey? What does it have to do with waking up Sue?

Well, none of that, apparently. It seems that “Woken” is a thing of some kind – a grouplet, a collective, an activism. And it seems that the person involved is not Sue Darren Grimes, but Darren Grimes, whom we are being urged to help this “Woken” entity sue. Not Sue, but sue.

Ok, language skills need some work, but I’m listening – what are “Woken” trying to sue this Darren Grimes for?

TRIGGER WARNING  the link below contains transphobic content.

On Wednesday 7th February at 12:26, Darren Grimes posted this sickening and abhorrent Tweet on Twitter/X which is still up and available for all to see:

‘I hate to break it to British politicians, but trans women are men. The horrific act of pure evil that was the murder of Brianna Ghey doesn’t change that.’

That’s it, that’s the grounds for suing.

I wonder if the people at “WOKEN” have any idea how many people have said, and tweeted, that trans women are men.

It’s true that there has been a hell of a lot of coercion of a hell of a lot of people to say that trans women are women, but it’s also true that there has been a hell of a lot of refusal, and that you can’t sue people for telling an obvious truth.

The buffoon behind this prank goes on:

Despite our efforts at WOKEN to contact Darren via Twitter as well as by email and telephone calls to his places of work (‘Unreasoned’ and GB News) to ask him to please recant and delete his post he refused to contact us and delete the hurtful and bigoted Tweet as we politely requested.

Imagine that – some stranger asks him (with a “please”!!) to delete a tweet and he does nothing. They requested politely! What more does he want?!

Darren’s steadfast refusal has unfortunately left us with little choice other than to commence the exploration of legal action against him

Ok come on now. That’s pushing it too far. Surely it’s parody. Surely nobody really thinks saying men are not women is grounds for legal action. Why single out this one tweet as if it were unusual? The buffoon can’t be that stupid.

to sue him for posting this Transphobic comment which is a Malicious Communication (as defined by the 1988 Malicious Crimes Act) and a Hate Crime (as defined by the Crime and Disorder act of 1998 and Section 66 of the Sentencing Act of 2020). 

No it isn’t. Next?

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