Mai friend Tony says

More on Starmer’s exasperated contempt for women:

Starmer has a woman problem, or more specifically, he finds the women who argue for their sex-based rights to be respected, both in law and in practice, extremely irritating. He could barely contain his exasperation during the BBC’s Question Time on Thursday when a young woman asked him about his current views on biological sex, reminding him that he had previously criticised Labour MP Rosie Duffield for stating that “only women have a cervix”. He said at the time her statement of the obvious was something that shouldn’t have been said. “It’s not right.”

It seems he has changed his mind – or has he? Adopting his best human rights lawyer pose, and with only the slightest hint of condescension in his voice, he replied: “Well look, on the biology, I agree with what Tony Blair said the other day in relation to men having penises and women having vaginas.”

I have to stop at that point, again – this time not to snarl but to laugh. Tony Blair said what??? Who ever heard of such a thing? Who knew? This changes everything!!

I mean he didn’t need Tony Blair to say it, did he. It’s not what you’d call an arcane fact. When I quoted him a day or two ago I was so annoyed I didn’t even notice the absurdity. “Tony says men have wee-wees and women have foofies!” Dude everyone says men have penises and women have vaginas. Everyone. You don’t need an authority to say it for you: it’s common knowledge. You really really don’t need MY FRIEND THE FORMER PRIME MINISTER SAYS. You don’t need to name-drop or show off or offer an imprimatur.

It’s far more disgusting than funny, but still, it is also funny.

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