Reaping the literal whirlwind

Be careful what you wish for and campaign for and talk nonsense for, eh James Woods?

God at Letters from God has the details:

James Woods, a man who hath spent his years spouting MAGA rhetoric and raging against reality, a man who blocked God back when it was still Twitter, now tragically reaps the literal whirlwind of his own climate change denial.

His house burned up. It’s gone.

It’s a very pretty clip. He pans north to take in the sunset.

God continues:

His house is no more, consumed by a climate change-boosted wildfire. It wasn’t a deep state plot. There were no Democrat-controlled weather machines and no space lasers.

And yet, instead of reflecting on climate change or the insane winds that caused this wildfire, he immediately chose to lash out at Gavin Newsom, Karen Bass, and—of course—”empty water reservoirs.”

But lo, the truth cometh: the reservoirs weren’t empty before the fires started. The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power filled them in preparation for the fire season. The problem wasn’t the liberal boogeymen James rails against—it was the sheer scale of the firefighting effort, which drained the reservoirs faster than they could be replenished. Not that James cares for such details; he’s too busy raging to care about the facts.

I’m gobsmacked by all these people astonished that the water ran out. Do they think it’s magic? There’s only so much water that can be stored, so when there are multiple enormous raging fires dotted all over a neighborhood the water is going to run out. It’s not a plot, it’s not Democrats, it’s not Biden, it’s not even Trump, it’s just the nature of the disaster.

There are water towers on the tops of hills all over Seattle, and they’re big, but they’re not infinite. They can’t be infinite. Neither can the water inside them.

When a liberal area suffers a climate change disaster, Republicans say, “God is punishing them.” When a conservative area suffers a climate change disaster, Republicans say, “Democrats control weather machines.”

It must be hard going through life as a full-blown idiot.

Thou shalt stop blaming everyone else and start seeing the truth: climate change is real, and it doesn’t care if you believe in it or not.

Climate change is not divine punishment, nor is it a liberal plot. It is the result of greed, inaction, and denial. And until humans get their shit together, the planet is going to continue to be pissed off.

Again: Los Angeles is in a desert. It’s vulnerable to drought and wild fires.

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