All entries by this author

What a nice thing to say

Feb 26th, 2011 5:02 pm | By

Darrick Lim has been observing the inter-atheist wars. He has kind things to say about me. (Well that’s the important thing; do admit.)

Fellow atheists Jerry Coyne and Ophelia Benson jump into the fray with their own takes on DBAD. Both are known for taking off the gloves in anti-religion arguments when they deem it appropriate. As an evolutionary biologist, Coyne in particular has little patience for accommodationist views – the belief that science and religion can be reconciled and need not necessarily be at odds with each other. Along with another passionate – some may say ‘cantankerous’ – atheist, the biology professor and blogger PZ Myers (who runs the popular science blog ‘Pharyngula’), Coyne, Benson and

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More malevolence

Feb 26th, 2011 4:25 pm | By

Via Johann Hari:

In May 2008, a 15 year old Muslim girl tells her teacher she thinks she might be gay, and the Muslim teacher in a state-funded comprehensive tells her “there are no gays round here” and she will “burn in hell” if she ever acts on it. (I know because she emailed me, suicidal and begging for help). In September 2008, a young gay man called Oliver Hemsley, is walking home from the gay pub the George and Dragon when a gang of young Muslims stabs him eight times, in the back, in the lungs, and in his spinal column. In January 2010, when the thug who did it is convicted, a gang of thirty Muslims storms

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Off with her head

Feb 26th, 2011 4:17 pm | By

Does god hate women? Do Republicans hate women?

 Georgia State Rep. Bobby Franklin—who last year proposed making rape and domestic violence “victims” into “accusers”—has introduced a 10-page bill that would criminalize miscarriages and make abortion in Georgia completely illegal. Both miscarriages and abortions would be potentially punishable by death: any “prenatal murder” in the words of the bill, including “human involvement” in a miscarriage, would be a felony and carry a penalty of life in prison or death.

Isn’t that interesting? So a woman has a miscarriage…will the cops be pounding on her door wanting to find out if there was any human involvement in that miscarriage? If so, how will she demonstrate that there wasn’t? Multiply by a large … Read the rest

Are the new atheists the rudest people on earth? *

Feb 26th, 2011 | Filed by

Actually, no.… Read the rest

A minor point

Feb 26th, 2011 11:43 am | By

What is wrong with the word “harm”? Or “damage”? Why is it always “negatively impact” now? Why is a stupid clumsy circumlocution that includes a noun pretending to be a verb preferable to a single blunt word of one or two syllables?

Is it for the same reason that so many people say “poor” when they mean bad? “It’s poor weather for a walk.” Because of some nebulous worry that “bad” might hurt someone’s feelings? Like, say, the weather’s?

Why else would Kathleen Sebelius say it?

Kathleen Sebelius, the secretary of health and human services, said the rule, issued in the last days of the Bush administration, could “negatively impact patient access to contraception and certain other medical services.”

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Bush admin “conscience” rules revised *

Feb 26th, 2011 | Filed by

2008 rule granted sweeping protections to health care providers who opposed abortion, sterilization and other medical procedures on religious or moral grounds.… Read the rest

Can we talk about Muslim homophobia now? *

Feb 26th, 2011 | Filed by

Yes, it is “Muslim culture” today to be bigoted against gay people. It was British culture to be anti-gay thirty years ago. Cultures change.… Read the rest

Priests rape nuns in order to avoid Aids *

Feb 26th, 2011 | Filed by

Forced to acknowledge the problem, the Vatican has tried to play down its gravity.… Read the rest

A miscarriage could be a felony *

Feb 26th, 2011 | Filed by

A Georgia legislator has introduced a bill that would make miscarriages and abortions potentially punishable by death.Read the rest

Atheists are so stooooopid *

Feb 25th, 2011 | Filed by

“According to Scripture, the evidence for God is overwhelming.”… Read the rest

Jonathan Derbyshire on philosophy for the public *

Feb 25th, 2011 | Filed by

A growing number of professional philosophers are realising that rigour and accessibility need not be mutually exclusive.… Read the rest

Islam and the emerging Arab World

Feb 25th, 2011 | By Leo Igwe

With the revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt, and a series of ongoing protest sweeping across other countries of North Africa and the Middle East, a new Arab world is imminent. The old Arab world is slowly and gradually fading away and ushering in a new era of hope, freedom and progress. But there are uncertainties and anxieties as to what this wind of change holds for the people in the region and the world at large. There is a growing concern as to what would be the role of Islam in the new dispensation particularly in this era of Islamic terrorism. The Arab world and the Islamic world are often seen as identical. North Africa and the Middle East are … Read the rest

Social pressure? What social pressure?

Feb 25th, 2011 12:16 pm | By

Greta Christina observes that atheism is not always greeted with open arms. It doesn’t always get even a mere hostile silence. It sometimes gets just plain forcible rejection. Just good old “no you may not.” Just “sit down and be quiet you hateful atheist you.”

Resistance to atheist groups from high school administrators, while not universal, is depressingly common. According to JT Eberhard, campus organizer and high school specialist for the SSA, “Most of them seem to elect to try and drag their feet until the interested students either lose interest or graduate. The ‘objections’ are varied. I’ve heard ‘it would be too controversial’, ‘all clubs are secular’, ‘other groups already do the same thing’, and a whole host

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Kadyrov looking for 2d wife, can’t find pretty one *

Feb 25th, 2011 | Filed by

Chechen leader has described women as the property of their husbands and says their main role is to bear children.… Read the rest

Lysenko’s tomb: Darwin, Dawkins and the left *

Feb 25th, 2011 | Filed by

Misunderstanding the selfish gene, decade after decade.… Read the rest

Jesus and Mo and Moses don’t want to be specks *

Feb 25th, 2011 | Filed by

Therefore god.… Read the rest

Jerry Coyne wins FFRF Emperor has no clothes award *

Feb 25th, 2011 | Filed by

Yes really.Read the rest

Hitchens on Obama on Arab uprisings *

Feb 25th, 2011 | Filed by

The Obama administration contrived to come up with an argument that maximized every form of feebleness.… Read the rest

High school atheists organize, schools resist *

Feb 25th, 2011 | Filed by

Atheists are the most distrusted and disliked of all minority groups in the US – more than blacks, Hispanics, Jews, Muslims, immigrants, and gays and lesbians.… Read the rest

Abortion is not an option in Chile *

Feb 24th, 2011 | Filed by

The Catholic church has a stranglehold on Chile.… Read the rest