All entries by this author

Jesus Invented Everything *

Jan 19th, 2006 | Filed by

Everything, Rodney Stark insists. Nobody else invented anything. Jesus did it all.… Read the rest

Spot the Orientalist *

Jan 19th, 2006 | Filed by

When Afary and Anderson deconstruct the follies of Foucault, they disconcert many on the left.… Read the rest

Iris Young on Blame v Responsibility After Katrina *

Jan 19th, 2006 | Filed by

Arguably, more harm and injustice result from thoughtless negligence than from malevolence.… Read the rest

Think Again

Jan 19th, 2006 2:40 am | By

An old thought for the day from Philip Johnson, from a 1990 essay in Robert Pennock’s anthology Intelligent Design Creationism and its Critics – ‘Evolution as Dogma: the Establishment of Naturalism’.

If some powerful conscious being exists outside the natural order, it might use its power to intervene in nature to accomplish some purpose, such as the production of beings having consciousness and free will.

Such as. Such as the production of beings having consciousness and free will – beings like us, I daresay he means. Well, yes, it might. But – is it likely? I mean, seriously. Think about it. Is it likely? At all? Does it seem even remotely plausible? That ‘some powerful conscious being’ (but who? … Read the rest

The Pope Has a Dream Today

Jan 18th, 2006 7:54 pm | By

The Pope, not for the first time, seems to be a little confused. A trifle misguided. At least according to one of his interpreters.

John Allen, a columnist with the National Catholic Reporter and one of the most respected Vatican watchers, said: “The Pope wants to make sure that everything he does is grounded in fundamentals in terms of objective truth.”

Does he? Well he’s in the wrong line of work, isn’t he. Precisely the wrong line of work. He happens to have chosen for himself an avocation that is as distant from fundamentals in terms of objective truth as an avocation could be. It’s funny how muddled people can get, isn’t it? Trying to walk up the down … Read the rest

What’s All This Then? *

Jan 18th, 2006 | Filed by

Excess of zeal allows tabloid right to yell weariest of cliches: political correctness gone mad.… Read the rest

New Orleans Mayor Says God is Angry at US *

Jan 18th, 2006 | Filed by

So he throws hurricanes at it.… Read the rest

Celibate Priest Lectures World on Lust *

Jan 18th, 2006 | Filed by

Pope thinks ‘you can’t really be free and happy unless you accept God’s plan for human life.’… Read the rest

Hollywood on a Mission to Homosexualize America *

Jan 18th, 2006 | Filed by

‘If America isn’t watching these films, why are they winning the awards?’ asks loony.… Read the rest

Gazette des Femmes Names Woman of the Year *

Jan 18th, 2006 | Filed by

Ontario came within a hair of passing Sharia; Homa Arjomand is an incredible campaigner.… Read the rest

Meera Nanda on Vedic Creationism in America *

Jan 18th, 2006 | Filed by

ID-ers have enthusiastic allies among Hare Krishnas propagating their theory of ‘Vedic creationism.’… Read the rest

The One Forbidden Thing

Jan 17th, 2006 11:20 pm | By

Thought for the Day.

Robert Pennock testifying in Kitzmiller v Dover.

What one expects in science is that one is going to be testing hypotheses against the natural world, and what methodological naturalism does is say we can’t cheat. We can’t just call for quick assistance to some supernatural power. It would certainly make science very easy if we could do that. We’re forced to restrain ourselves to looking for natural regularities. That’s part of what it means to be able to give evidence for something. You’ve undermined that notion of empirical evidence if you start to introduce the supernatural.

You can’t cheat. That’s all there is to it, really. You can’t cheat.… Read the rest


Jan 17th, 2006 10:52 pm | By

Well, quite a good day in a lot of ways. Just for one thing – it’s been raining here almost without cease, all day and all night nearly every day, for about three weeks, and today suddenly (it was raining sideways last night) it’s not only not raining, it’s not only sunny, it’s warm. It’s one of those spring-in-winter days. Balmy, fresh, smelling wonderful, of mud and wet vegetation and clean air. I went for a walk down to the cemetery, and was looking at a bare tree against the blue sky and noticed it had robins perched all over it. They looked like Xmas decorations – they looked festive. I enjoyed that sight for a minute, then realized that … Read the rest

The Uncertainty Principle

Jan 17th, 2006 7:52 pm | By

The Bishop of Motherwell is a funny guy.

The Bishop of Motherwell last night called on the Catholic Church in Scotland to stop “cowering” before the government. The Rt Rev Joseph Devine warned Christians against the “creeping political correctness” that was stifling religious expression. In an address to a Motherwell audience, the bishop said: “The Church needs to rediscover a political voice and stop cowering before the apparatus of government and its politically approved doctrines.”

That’s interesting, don’t you think? The Catholic Church had oughta stop ‘cowering’ before the government – and do what? Set up a rival government? Make the government do the cowering instead? Break the law? Whither religion’s famous humility and uncertainty now, eh?

And there’s ‘to … Read the rest

Hag me no Hagiography

Jan 17th, 2006 7:13 pm | By

Hagiography raises a lot of interesting issues.

Waldstreicher falls into a long line of historians who see the other side of Franklin. The wiry, sardonic 39-year-old author is not a fan of rah-rah Franklin books, especially given his view that “Franklin’s anti-slavery credentials have been greatly exaggerated.” He regards Isaacson’s Benjamin Franklin: An American Life as “a good read” with “insightful moments,” but sees Isaacson as “already on the stump, talking about why we should find Franklin inspiring, why he’s better, why he’s neither too far left nor too far right, why he’s so reasonable. It’s been disturbing to see it called the standard biography now,” Waldstreicher says, because “it doesn’t build on any of the scholarship in early

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Michelle Bachelet *

Jan 17th, 2006 | Filed by

Held for weeks in torture and detention centres before fleeing Pinochet’s Chile in 1975. … Read the rest

Supremes Uphold Assisted Suicide Law *

Jan 17th, 2006 | Filed by

Justices voted 6-3; ruling could free other states to pass laws like Oregon’s.… Read the rest

Ian Bell Reviews ‘Root of all Evil?’ *

Jan 17th, 2006 | Filed by

Agrees that ‘Atheism is life-affirming in a way that religion can never be.’… Read the rest

Bishop of Motherwell Talks Dangerous Crap *

Jan 17th, 2006 | Filed by

Says Church needs to stop cowering before government’s politically approved doctrines.… Read the rest

Carlin Romano on Differing Views of Ben Franklin *

Jan 17th, 2006 | Filed by

Wave of hagiography in Franklin biography marginalizes issues like slave-trade activities.… Read the rest