The phony war on the nonexistent religion of secularism *

Apr 26th, 2012 | Filed by

There is no more effective way to organize against liberalism than to argue that liberals are invading the sacred precinct of the nuclear family.… Read the rest

Add your voice to support Alexander Aan *

Apr 26th, 2012 | Filed by

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is organizing a letter-writing campaign
on Aan’s behalf, and CFI urges you to take part.… Read the rest

Just what the schools need

Apr 26th, 2012 10:15 am | By

The Washington Post is slobbering all over an evangelist called Joel Osteen. He’s visiting Washington and thrilling the fans, we’re told.

Well, maybe, but I am told he is also visiting a public elementary school today. Why?

As my informant put it:

Fewer than 20% of these students read at grade level.  Fewer than 13% are grade level in science.  Just 16% are doing grade-level maths.  And the best the school and local government can do is bring in a megapastor who espouses prosperity gospel and anti-evolutionism to read to these poorly-taught students.



And JT reports new and worse stuff.

a parent returning a library book noticed books stacked up for giveaways in the school library at

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(This is a syndicated post. Read the original at FreeThoughtBlogs.)

Hurriyet on uproar in Egypt over sex with corpse law *

Apr 26th, 2012 | Filed by

Prominent Egyptian TV anchor Jaber al-Qarmouty criticized the whole notion of “permitting a husband to have sex with his wife after her death” on his show on April 24.… Read the rest

They should follow it without any argument

Apr 25th, 2012 5:29 pm | By

It’s a small (comparatively) sect in India that insists on mutilating girls’ genitalia.

The Bohra brand of Islam is followed by 1.2 million people worldwide and is a sect of Shia Islam that originated in Yemen.

While the sect bars other Muslims from its mosques, it sees itself as more liberal, treating men and women equally in matters of education and marriage.

But in matters of slicing off major chunks of the genitals with a razor blade, not so much.

For generations, few women in the tightly-knit community have spoken out in opposition, fearing that to air their grievances would be seen as an act of revolt frowned upon by their elders.

Right. Obviously. This was something imposed on … Read the rest

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The brewing community has a gift for the Muslim community *

Apr 25th, 2012 | Filed by

Jesus likes it, at least.… Read the rest

Illinois bishop Daniel Jenky compares Obama to Hitler *

Apr 25th, 2012 | Filed by

131 Notre Dame professors demand that he withdraw the comparison or resign from the university’s Board of Fellows and board of trustees.… Read the rest

Unicef: women and men in India think wife-beating is ok *

Apr 25th, 2012 | Filed by

“When girls are brought up with the message that a woman’s status in a family is inferior, she starts to accept whatever behavior is meted out by her husband or in-laws,” said Anuradha Gupta.… Read the rest

Failure to comprehend

Apr 25th, 2012 4:51 pm | By

I don’t understand.

Eleven years ago, Farida Bano was circumcised had her genitals mutilated by an aunt on a bunk bed in her family home at the end of her 10th birthday party.

The mutilation occurred not in Africa, where the practice is most prevalent, but in India where a small Muslim sub-sect known as the Dawoodi Bohra continues to believe that the removal of the clitoris is the will of God.

I don’t understand, because if they think God wants the clitoris removed, how do they explain God’s putting it there in the first place?… Read the rest

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The spirit of Tahrir

Apr 25th, 2012 4:02 pm | By

Update: April 27: It may be that this is a fake. There are murmurs to that effect but I haven’t found anything authoritative yet. I’ll update if I do.

Be careful before you read this. Don’t be drinking wine or coffee or lemonade while you read. Put down anything fragile. Close the windows. If you’re at work, brace yourself, so that no flurries of obscenity burst out before you can stop them.

Egypt’s Islamist-dominated parliament is considering two new laws

…one that would legalize the marriage of girls starting from the age of 14 and the other that permits a husband to have sex with his dead wife within the six hours following her death.

Don’t look at me. … Read the rest

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New laws proposed for Egypt *

Apr 25th, 2012 | Filed by

One would legalize the marriage of girls from age 14, the other permits a husband to copulate with the corpse of his wife within 6 hours of her death. Yes really.… Read the rest

India: women airing their anger about FGM *

Apr 25th, 2012 | Filed by

A small Muslim sub-sect known as the Dawoodi Bohra continues to believe that the removal of the clitoris is the will of God. (Then why did god put it there in the first place?)… Read the rest

Nicer, sweeter, less outspoken

Apr 25th, 2012 12:06 pm | By

Anna Quindlen was on Fresh Air yesterday, and she said something I’ve been pondering a good deal lately.

As a little girl, Anna Quindlen wasn’t afraid of a whole lot. She frequently got into trouble and occasionally shot off her mouth. But as she grew older, the Pulitzer Prize-winning writer became what she calls a “girl imitation.”

“[I became] nicer, sweeter, less outspoken [and] less combative,” she tells Fresh Air‘s Terry Gross. “All of the qualities that you need to be a good opinion columnist tend to be qualities that aren’t valued in women. And I think that was a bit of a challenge for me when I became an op-ed columnist [for The New York Times]

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Students coerced into signing anti-abortion petition *

Apr 25th, 2012 | Filed by

Catholic school says it wasn’t coercion at all.… Read the rest

The horror of girls married as children *

Apr 25th, 2012 | Filed by

Girls under 15 are five times more likely to die in childbirth than women in their 20s. Girls under 18 are also at much higher risk of pregnancy-related injuries, such as fistula.… Read the rest

“A selective fear of Islamists”

Apr 24th, 2012 5:58 pm | By

Oh the stupid…It just gets worse.

Samia Errazzouki also hated Eltahawy’s article. And she gave us this gem of wisdom as part of her argument:

Eltahawy  points to “hate” as the source and cause of the injustices committed against Arab women. She scapegoats the rise of the Islamists, but Maya Mikdashi debunked that argument a couple months ago:

“Gender equality and justice should be a focus of progressive politics no matter who is in power. A selective fear of Islamists when it comes to women’s and LGBTQ rights has more to do with Islamophobia than a genuine concern with gender justice. Unfortunately, Islamists do not have an exclusive license to practice patriarchy and gender discrimination/oppression in the region. The

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So comrades come rally

Apr 24th, 2012 5:34 pm | By

I’m going to look some more at Nahed Eltantawy’s anger at Mona Eltahawy’s article about misogyny in the Middle East, because there’s something really sinister about it.

I refuse to be lumped into this monolithic group of oppressed, abused and hated victims. Arab women’s problems are not the same across the board. Even within one country like Egypt, what I see as a problem, might not be the most pressing issue for the woman next door. So, I refuse to have Eltahawy talk on my behalf as if she is the expert who can accurately identify my plight.

It’s as if she thinks Eltahawy is doing something bad to her…is in fact oppressing her and abusing her and making … Read the rest

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James Randi on the hounding of Sanal Edamaruku *

Apr 24th, 2012 | Filed by

The threat to arrest a rationalist who has been exposing “miracles” in his own country for more than 30 years is a serious attack on freedom of expression, designed to harass and silence him.… Read the rest

Who is bullying whom? *

Apr 24th, 2012 | Filed by

A Wiltshire MP has said he will not be bullied into cutting ties with a charity that sponsored an event where a “cure” for homosexuality was discussed.… Read the rest

BBC will interview people at an abortion clinic *

Apr 24th, 2012 | Filed by

Opponents of the right to abortion are angry, saying this amounts to “free advertising” for abortion.… Read the rest