Fake news

Oct 16th, 2020 8:37 am | By

The Guardian shares the front page of the Trump website:

I want to say just this one thing.

Why would anyone want to do that? Why would anyone want an image of self with a different and better body? A fake image like that just underlines what a soft flabby weak puffy unhealthy body Donnie Two Scoops has.

That’s the one thing. Never mind that like hell he has – that one’s too obvious.… Read the rest

That would be you, Sparky

Oct 15th, 2020 4:01 pm | By

This filthy man

President Donald Trump continued his attacks on Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer on Thursday, calling the Democratic lawmaker a “dictator” as authorities announced charges against a 14th suspect in the thwarted plot to kidnap her and violently overthrow the government.

“Michigan, she has to open up. [Whitmer] wants to be a dictator in Michigan and the people can’t stand her,” Trump said Thursday in a FOX Business interview. Blasting Whitmer’s COVID-19 policies, he insisted people “want to get back to work.”

Do they also want to catch the virus?

The president has repeatedly attacked Whitmer even after authorities announced last week charges against more than a dozen individuals who allegedly conspired to kidnap the state leader and

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Narcissistic supply

Oct 15th, 2020 12:19 pm | By

He’s campaigning again.

That is, Trump tells the cheering crowd that “we sent in US Marshals” and they murdered a suspect.

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D & I

Oct 15th, 2020 12:00 pm | By

But nobody is claiming trans women don’t have a right to play – the issue is whether trans women (people with male bodies) have a right to play against women, in defiance of the danger to the women and the unfairness to the women.… Read the rest

No YOU resign

Oct 15th, 2020 11:02 am | By

And there’s this.


Their “motion” is protracted filthy bullying.

I had to Google to find out what the GMB is – it’s a huge general union, the product of amalgamations over time. GMB=General, Municipal, Boilermakers but it’s lots of other things too. This branch is for people who work for MPs, if I’ve understood correctly. Anyway they’re joining the bullying of Rosie Duffield. Here’s the whole thing:

It’s interesting that they say they “condemn all harassment towards anyone within a protected characteristic” while in the act of harassing Rosie Duffield. It’s annoying that they chummily call her “Rosie” while in the act of harassing her.… Read the rest

Quitting a bad boss

Oct 15th, 2020 9:55 am | By

Another lawyer bails out of Barr’s Justice Department:

Barr has never actually investigated, charged or tried a case. He’s a well-trained bureaucrat but has no actual experience as a prosecutor.

Unfortunately, over the last year, Barr’s resentment toward rule-of-law prosecutors became increasingly difficult to ignore, as did his slavish obedience to Donald Trump’s will in his selective meddling with the criminal justice system in the Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn and Roger Stone cases. In each of these cases, Barr overruled career prosecutors in order to assist the president’s associates and/or friends, who potentially harbor incriminating information. This career bureaucrat seems determined to turn our democracy into an autocracy.

It took federal Judge Reggie Walton (who sharply criticized Barr

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What is being mandated

Oct 15th, 2020 9:22 am | By

Yes but it’s even worse than that. It mandates the recognition of other people’s subjective individuality. How the hell are we supposed to be able to do that? How can we recognize something internal to someone else? We can’t; it’s literally impossible, impossible by definition.

We try to do that up to a point with people we have some connection to – with friends, family, colleagues. We take their word for it that they feel X, in general, unless we … Read the rest

Progress with Rosie

Oct 15th, 2020 8:44 am | By

Summons a lot of memories, this does.

Heather Peto is a man who identifies as a woman. It’s classic the way men who identify as women tip their hands by being so comfortable and at home with bullying women. Heather here takes it for granted that he gets to tell Rosie Duffield MP what to do and even – and especially – WHAT TO THINK. That’s the … Read the rest

The laptop’s cousin’s lawyer’s sex tape’s emails

Oct 14th, 2020 4:13 pm | By

Mother Jones on the Giuliani/New York Post “bombshell”:

On Wednesday, the New York Post released what it hailed as a bombshell: an unidentified computer repair store owner in Delaware had come to possess a laptop that contained Hunter Biden emails (and purportedly a sex tape), the hard drive and computer was seized by the FBI, the store owner at some point passed a copy of the hard drive to Rudy Giuliani, and one of the emails suggested that Hunter, who served on the board of Ukrainian energy company Burisma, may have in 2015 introduced a Burisma official to his dad, Vice President Joe Biden. The story depicts this as a big scandal, and Guiliani tweeted, “Much more to come.” 

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Some people might

Oct 14th, 2020 3:14 pm | By

Our pal Benjamin Cohen (CEO of Pink News in case you’ve forgotten) is still at the woman-hating.

Which people would those be? By “might use to describe Helen” does he mean certainly would and he would be right there with them? Why would these mysterious people be deploying “the sort of language” he hints at? Not really a hint though; we know he means “cunt” and variations.

These guys would be happier hanging out with Donald Trump than with Kamala Harris.… Read the rest

History being made

Oct 14th, 2020 10:55 am | By

Lindsey Graham is just thrilled that Amy Coney Barrett wants women to be forced to remain pregnant when they would prefer to stop. He’s lucky enough to be the kind of person who can’t be forced to remain pregnant.

“I have never been more proud of a nominee,” Graham said. “This is history being made, folks. This is the first time in American history that we’ve nominated a woman who is unashamedly pro-life and embraces her faith without apology. And she’s going to the court. A seat at the table is waiting on you.”

It’s not that she’s “pro-life.” People who favor abortion rights are not “anti-life” or “pro-death.” It’s that she’s pro-forced pregnancy. That’s the issue. Abortion ends a … Read the rest

Scariest thing

Oct 14th, 2020 10:27 am | By

Misogyny loves Halloween.

What’s the scariest thing you can be for Halloween 2020?

A “Karen,” according to Los Angeles-based artist Jason Adcock.

Aw haw haw, so funny. It’s always a laugh-riot to see men telling us how terrifying and evil women are.

“2020 is the year of the KAREN! Scare all ur friends with ur big hair and narrow mind,” Adcock, 34, wrote on Instagram.

Hur hur

View this post on Instagram

I have taste , but I never said it was good taste … our newest action is KAREN-19 she thought she was slick calling you all sheep and look what happened ! DM FOR PURCHASE INFO #latexmask#rubbermask#halloweenmask#sculpting#art#scary #biggair#monster#monstermask#bridezilla#karen#karensgonwild#karensgonewild #karens#

A post shared by Jason Adcock (@jasonadcock78)

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A second 911 call

Oct 14th, 2020 9:23 am | By

Oy. Amy Cooper made two calls to the police that day.

The Manhattan District Attorney’s Office filed a misdemeanor charge Wednesday against the White woman who called police on a Black man birdwatching in Central Park in May and revealed that she had made a second 911 call about the encounter.

Amy Cooper was charged in New York County Criminal Court with falsely reporting an incident in the third degree, according to Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance Jr.

The second call wasn’t to say never mind, I got rattled but nothing actually happened, I’m fine, I apologize for wasting your time. No, she went the other way.

In addition, according to the criminal complaint and as stated in court,

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Salad bar

Oct 14th, 2020 8:10 am | By

Speaking of the police and dversty n incloozhun – TOMATOES ARE FRUIT – no wait – TOMATOES IDENTIFY AS SALAD – no wait – IF SOME LEMON SAYS TOMATOES ARE NOT FRUIT THEN CALL THE POLICE!!! Yeah that’s it.

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D&I in rugby

Oct 14th, 2020 7:51 am | By

Funny…the Rugby Football Union has a page on Diversity and Inclusion, which shows that they do realize women exist and are not always included. The RFU says it wants to improve diversity and inclusion…or, as they call it, D&I.

The RFU has conducted research with over 4,400 people from the rugby community to understand attitudes and opinions to D&I in rugby and it has undertaken a detailed analysis of sport participation from Sport England Active Lives and YouGov data. The findings will inform areas of focus for D&I action planning in each part of the game. The results included: 

Despite growth of the women’s game and the most diverse England men’s team ever, compared to the overall England adult

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So much for the risk of significant injury

Oct 14th, 2020 7:16 am | By

But won’t somebody please think of the trans ladies?

Transgender women will still be allowed to play women’s rugby at all non-international levels of the game in England for the foreseeable future, the Guardian can reveal, after the Rugby Football Union decided that more evidence was needed before implementing any ban.

More evidence! More evidence needed to figure out whether or not male bodies are a danger to female bodies in playing a very rough contact sport! It’s all up in the air; we just don’t know; must collect more evidence, and more and more and more and more. We suspect there may never be enough evidence to convince us.

The RFU’s position is sharply at odds with World Rugby,

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Sir no substantive wrongdoing sir

Oct 13th, 2020 3:49 pm | By

No charges.

The federal prosecutor appointed by Attorney General William P. Barr to review whether Obama-era officials improperly requested the identities of individuals whose names were redacted in intelligence documents has completed his work without finding any substantive wrongdoing, according to people familiar with the matter.

Oh gosh darn it, they were so looking forward to punishing Obama for something.

The revelation that U.S. Attorney John Bash, who left the department last week, had concluded his review without criminal charges or any public report will rankle President Trump at a moment when he is particularly upset at the Justice Department. The department has so far declined to release the results of Bash’s work, though people familiar with his findings

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Just give your ballots to us

Oct 13th, 2020 3:12 pm | By


Top elections officials in California are scrambling to find out how many illegal ballot drop boxes Republican staffers put up in three counties across the state over the weekend, as local law enforcement authorities continue to search for outstanding witnesses and potential suspects.  The state’s Republican Party, meanwhile, has indicated that it won’t comply with an official order to remove the boxes, and may even add more.

Law and order party, folks.

On Monday, California Secretary of State Alex Padilla said his office, in conjunction with the state justice department, issued a cease-and-desist order to the California GOP to remove the illegal ballot drop boxes that have appeared in Los Angeles County, Orange County and Fresno County.

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We didn’t wait until he was almost vented

Oct 13th, 2020 12:32 pm | By

This is what I’ve been wondering about. It is, however, just an unsourced item on Facebook, so not necessarily from an ER nurse at all. But I have been wondering – if Trump really did have a bad case and they really did fix it the way they said, why aren’t they fixing all the serious cases that way? What’s the deal here? What are we not being told?

Nurses and Midwives at Work:

“Copied and pasted from an ER nurse —ER nurse: Allow me to clarify some things as someone who’s taken care of a lot of covid patients. Trump is fine. And he will be fine. That’s because when he was MILDLY symptomatic, we threw all the

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The witness refuses to answer

Oct 13th, 2020 11:34 am | By

Excuse me?

Is that right? So, is it illegal to murder people? Is it illegal to fly planes into tall buildings full of people? Is it illegal to hold up a bank? Is it illegal to stab people on the street? Is it illegal to extort money with menaces?

I guess she can’t characterize the facts in that situation and can’t apply the law in it either?… Read the rest