This miscarriage of justice

The mafia boss issues instructions.

He says “cannot allow” as if he were a literal dictator.

Barr leaps to obey as if Trump were a literal dictator.

The president sent his message a little before 2am on Tuesday, after a rally in New Hampshire and a visit to Delaware to honour two US soldiers killed in Afghanistan.

On Tuesday, it seemed the tweet would have its desired effect.

The Washington Post quoted a “senior justice department official” as saying: “The department finds the recommendation extreme and excessive and disproportionate to Stone’s offences. The department will clarify its position later today.”

The Post characterised the move as “a stunning rebuke of career prosecutors that will surely raise questions about political meddling in the case”.

Questions which will go unheeded as the Trump mafia tightens its hold on everything.

Trump has indicated he might pardon Stone.

Tighter and tighter.

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