The actual police

Brendan O’Neill on Scotland’s Privilege the Rapist policy:

The actual police, the people responsible for recording crime, will acquiesce to a male rapist’s desire to be referred to as female. The consequences of this deranged, hyper-relativist policy will be dire. Crime stats will become a joke, with numerous rapes being falsely attributed to women. Female prisons could be swarmed by male rapists. And complainants in rape cases could face the prospect of having to use female pronouns in court when addressing the man who brutalised them.

Could? Will. This is all too obvious. It’s already happened in the assault case in which the judge ordered the victim, Maria MacLachlan, to call the man who assaulted her “she.”

How long before judges start reprimanding complainants for incorrect pronoun use? ‘She forced her penis into you – please respect the pronouns, Miss.’

It has already happened.

[Rowling’s] point was crystal clear: it is positively Orwellian to refer to rapists as women. It is a flagrant and authoritarian denial of reality to record a violent sexual assault that was carried out by someone with a penis – what we used to call a man – as having been committed by a woman. There is unquestionably something very Big Brother about officialdom’s threat to erase truth in order to avoid offending the cult of genderfluidity and its noisy adherents.

And why is it so urgent to avoid offending the cult of gender souls? It’s never been urgent to avoid offending women, but it’s terribly urgent to avoid offending men who call themselves women? Says a lot, doesn’t it. Too much.

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