An elite meltdown

Ok so I am reading Sullivan’s revolting piece, because I’m masochistic that way. 14 words in I’m already pissed off.

To say that a leaked draft of a Supreme Court ruling prompted an elite meltdown would be a gross understatement.

“Elite.” What an asshole. Does he think non-elite women want to be forced to bear children they don’t want? You can’t even phrase it so that it makes sense – women who don’t want a pregnancy don’t want the pregnancy, so of course no women want to be forced to do what they don’t want to do. It’s a contradiction in terms. But here’s smug Sullivan calling us “elite” for saying so. Easy for him.

The seriously stupid bit, as we already know, is where he pretends to think Kamala Harris meant all women vote yes on abortion rights.

Kamala Harris also found her voice:

Those Republican leaders who are trying to weaponize the use of the law against women. Well we say, ‘How dare they?’ How dare they tell a woman what she can do and cannot do with her own body? How dare they? How dare they try to stop her from determining her own future? How dare they try to deny women their rights and their freedoms?

The premise here is that all women support abortion rights.

The hell it is. She doesn’t say, or imply, “all women support abortion rights.” She says how dare they [the theocrats] tell women what we can do with our bodies? That doesn’t imply anything about the views or loyalties of the women in question. It’s a statement about rights, not a statement about opinions or votes. There is no premise about how women vote.

What strikes me about all of this is not the emotive hyperbole — that’s par for the course in a country where every discourse is now dialed to eleven. What strikes me most in these takes is the underlying contempt for and suspicion of the democratic process — from many of the same people who insist they want to save it.

Democratic process? What democratic process? The Supreme Court isn’t a democratic process. The appointment of justices isn’t a democratic process, although it is in theory the outcome of one…but of course we know it isn’t, strictly speaking, since Clinton got more votes than Trump. It’s a gerrymandered process that relies on a grotesquely undemocratic Senate and Electoral College, so Sullivan should start complaining about that before he complains about angry feminists dissing Our Demokrasee.

I’ll leave it there. He scrapes my nerves.

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