But what about trans women in Ukraine?

Yes yes yes apartment blocks and art museums and theaters full of people sheltering from the bombs are being smashed but let’s wring our hands about the trans women who aren’t being allowed to leave Ukraine.

As strange hands searched her body and pulled back her hair to check if it was a wig, Judis looked at the faces of the Ukrainian border guards and felt fear and despair.

Judis is a transgender woman whose birth certificate defines her as female.

Legally, there is no reason why she should not be allowed to pass with the thousands of women who are crossing Ukrainian borders to safety every day.

Yet, on 12 March at about 4am, after a long and humiliating search, border guards determined she was a man and prevented her passage into Poland.

When Ukraine imposed martial law on 24 February, all men aged between 18 and 60 were banned from leaving the country. Since then, it is estimated that hundreds of Ukrainian trans people have attempted to cross the border. The Guardian has been told by activists and aid workers that, despite their legal status as women, dozens have been mistreated and pushed back at the borders, with many fearing for their lives in the event that Russia’s transphobic regime takes over.

Russia’s transphobic regime. Yes, that’s definitely the standout thing about the Russian regime: its transphobia.

It’s extremely grim that men old enough and young enough to fight are not allowed to leave Ukraine; it’s one of the few ways female people have privilege compared to men. It’s horrible and, cosmically speaking, grossly unfair, but war is like that. War is unfair. I find it simply repulsive that the Guardian bothers to whine about trans women not being allowed to leave in these circumstances. Have sympathy for all the men by all means, but to single out the ones who like to wear skirts is revolting.

The Guardian even took the trouble to take a snap of the trans woman who Wasn’t Allowed To Leave.

Judis, a transgender woman, walks down a street in Ukraine

Excellent snap. Captures how womany he is. How could the border guards be so cruel?

All those people in the background – they don’t matter, they’re just cis people.

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