Cis authors

So much ardor, so little thought.

Hm. What she needs to worry about is being a boring writer and thinker whose brain is full of clichés.

Cis authors, eh – I guess those are the ones who actually know how.

More seriously, note the complete failure to think about what she’s saying. We’re supposed to take all announcements that our work is flawed as true and valuable? We’re not allowed to filter the bad out of the good, the clueless out of the informed? Why would that be a rule? Here she is saying things on Twitter so she knows what Twitter’s like – yet she’s telling us to listen respectfully to all criticisms, including tweets from random strangers on social meeja.

Of course she’s not listening respectfully to the criticisms of her writing on Twitter.

And anyway, whatever else you do, be sure to fund raise on the back of it.

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