Escort to where?

Aw, sexy.

Ireland’s largest escort website offered men the opportunity to live out their “war-inspired fantasies” with Ukrainian women, a webinar has heard on Thursday.

By “escort website” they must mean “female human to fuck website.” I don’t think it has a whole lot to do with anyone “escorting” anyone. Anyway, how adorable, that men fantasize about fucking Ukrainian women along with…what, committing war crimes against them? Blowing up their children and then fucking them? Torturing them while fucking them? Hawt.

Escorts Ireland reported a 250 per cent increase in interest for Ukrainian women, Valiant Richey from the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) said.

That’s the ticket. When people are losing everything they love that’s the time to move in for the sexy fun times.

Mr Richey, a former US prosecutor, told the webinar organised by the Beyond Exploitation that war could be exploited by human traffickers, and Europe had already seen a rise in online searches relating to buying sex from Ukrainian women.

He said it’s up 600 percent in some places. Aren’t humans amazing.

A recent operation in Sweden proved this trend is translating into real life, Mr Richey said. Out of 38 buyers who were arrested, 30 of them were attempting to access Ukrainian women specifically.

Because they’ve lost everything, been terrorized, made homeless, seen their children killed – what better time to fuck them for a little cash?

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