Medical, dental, and a fertilized egg

The NY Times offers a tale of discrimination:

A same-sex married couple said in a complaint filed Tuesday that the City of New York discriminated against them in denying them in vitro fertilization coverage under the city’s insurance plan for employees.

But wait! There’s a catch. The same sex they are is the male one. In vitro fertilization don’t do you no good if you ain’t got no egg. They ain’t got no egg, on account of how they’re men.

The couple, Nicholas Maggipinto, 36, and Corey Briskin, 33, claim the policy discriminates against them based on their sex and sexual orientation and that if they were female or in a heterosexual relationship they would have access to the I.V.F. benefits that city employees are entitled to. Mr. Briskin was, until recently, an assistant district attorney.

Yes, but that’s because of the non-negotiable requirement for an egg, not because the policy “discriminates against” them. Nature discriminates against them, if you want to put it that way, but the City of New York doesn’t.

Under the city’s insurance benefits policy, a covered person is only eligible for such services when they are deemed infertile. The policy defines infertility as the inability to conceive after “12 months of unprotected intercourse,” or intrauterine insemination — a procedure that inserts sperm directly inside a uterus — for a period of time.

Intercourse is not defined in the policy, but the complaint claims New York City and its insurers “have interpreted it to mean intercourse between a man and a female.”

A man and a female. Interesting. They really don’t see women as human, do they. Egg-havers, and cruel withholding Kareny egg havers at that.

That language, the complaint said, made it impossible for Mr. Briskin and Mr. Maggipinto, who will need to use a surrogate, to ever be deemed infertile, effectively blocking them from receiving any I.V.F. insurance coverage.

They’ll “need” to “use” a “surrogate”? You’d think they were talking about a food processor here. What the Times means is that these two men intend to use a woman like an appliance to cook a fetus for them, and they think their city insurance should pay for them to rent the appliance. Meanwhile, what about those terfs, eh?

Mr. Briskin said after gay marriage became legal across the country he never would have imagined that fighting for I.V.F. benefits would be a new obstacle gay men would have to overcome.

“It’s mind blowing that in 2022 we’re still having this conversation about a policy that so clearly excludes gay men because of horribly antiquated views of homosexuality,” he said. “We got the ability to get married and the rest would have been kind of smooth sailing, but we were sorely mistaken.”

Hello? It’s not “views” of homosexuality at all, it’s reality. Gay men can’t make a baby because they don’t have the egg. That has nothing whatever to do with any views of homosexuality, antiquated or sparkling new. Getting married doesn’t cause the egg to show up and hover in the air waiting to be fertilized.

The couple claims the policy reinforces the idea that gay men are not fit to be parents.

Again – not about an idea – about a reality. Men don’t have eggs.

And another thing. Women don’t owe men eggs. There is no law or rule that says some woman somewhere has to be that couple’s surrogate, or else. No woman anywhere has to be that couple’s surrogate.

Mr. Romer-Friedman said that along with hopes the city will change the policy to be inclusive of gay men, the couple is also seeking monetary compensation for themselves and other gay male employees who have been denied benefits in the past.

Mr. Maggipinto said: “The other thing that we don’t want to lose sight of is that we want to bring home a baby, and short of getting the benefit, we can’t do that from a financial perspective. We just don’t have the money.”

How about somebody to clean the place? The city should be paying some bitch to do that too, right? Maybe at the same time as hatching the egg?

And what about cooking? They don’t want to eat out every night, unless the baby is being super annoying. Another bitch the city should pay for. Yes that will be one egg, one cleaner, and one cook with deep knowledge of Indian, Thai, and Japanese cooking.

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