Daddy had to push too

Take your diversity assessment and shove it up whatever gender-questionng orifice you have handy.

A maternity hospital received a low grade on a diversity assessment because staff only use the term “mother” when discussing maternity leave, The Telegraph can disclose.

The Cambridge University Hospital Trust, which manages a maternity hospital called the Rosie, lost points because staff use the term “mother” when referring to the policies it had in place regarding paid leave, instead of broadening it to include gender-neutral alternatives.

Are they still calling it a maternity hospital? Shouldn’t that be parental hospital? Or perhaps uterus-haver hospital? Eggy-patient hospital?

The report was carried out by the NHS’ “Rainbow Badge” scheme, which assesses hospitals based on how they treat LGBT patients.

Let’s rename it the Richter Scale 8 Badge scheme.

The trust also lost points for not providing staff with guidance on what trans and non-binary employees should wear, pointing out how the trust’s “trans inclusion policy” did not provide “guidance on the dress code for trans employees, including non-binary employees.”

Wut? Why do they need guidance? Is the hospital supposed to invent some “non-binary” scrubs?

The report also flagged a “cause for concern” about a deluge of comments from staff criticising the trust’s inclusivity efforts for “virtue signaling” instead of providing care, including one comment which said: “We cannot waste taxpayers’ money on tokenism.”

Well done staff! Pay attention NHS rainbow schemers! This nonsense absolutely is virtue-signaling instead of doing anything useful.

The report said: “0 points were awarded for the Maternity Leave Policy. The policy does not have an inclusion statement to make clear that it applies to all irrespective of gender/gender of partner etc. 

But it doesn’t apply to “all” surely. Men don’t lactate. Men don’t give birth so they have no need to regain their strength after giving birth. New mothers need maternity leave in ways that new fathers simply don’t. It’s great if men share as much of the work as they can, and ideally they should get leave, but even so their need is not the same.

One member of staff who said he was gay is cited calling the Rainbow Badge “insulting.”

They wrote: “I feel it is excessive – I just want to live my life; I don’t want to be asked; I don’t want my identity reduced to a label. I am tired of it – I just want to live my life like everyone else.”

Another said: “Rainbow badges are just performative; I would prefer all staff be properly trained and supportive to all needs, not singling out one or two.”

Good. More of that please. Everyone push back.

In 2021, the “Rainbow Badge” went from a physical symbol to a nationwide scheme that assesses hospitals based on how they treated LGBT staff by placing them on a scale between gold, silver, and bronze.

The scheme is commissioned by NHS England but run by trans rights groups, including Stonewall and the LGBT Foundation, who carry out the grading.

Oh no no no no no. Don’t do that. Get Stonewall right out of there.

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