The San Francisco Chronicle is venomous enough. The headline:

Anti-trans group, advertising as feminists, descends on S.F. for annual convention

Geddit? They’re lying about being feminists. Also they’re not gender critical, they’re haterz of tranz people.

San Francisco will host trans-denying activists for a convention. The twist is that they advertise themselves as a feminist organization.

News flash, Erin Allday [the “reporter”]: trans ideology is not feminist. Feminists are critical of trans ideology. The “twist” is not a twist.

San Francisco is hosting a “radical feminist” group aligned with anti-transgender efforts in the U.S. and abroad for a convention this weekend that is drawing fury from local trans and other LGBTQ individuals and allies.

Or to put it another way, local trans people are flying into a rage because a radical feminist group is in town. Feminists have no right to hold conventions without getting trans permission.

The organization, built on the premise of protecting “women’s sex-based rights,” has stated that “gender identity” — and the concept that gender may be separate from biological sex for some people — threatens the civil rights of cisgender women. Members do not consider transgender women to be women.

Members are aware that transgender women are men.

That the group would come to San Francisco shocked many people in the city’s transgender community, who have flooded the hotel hosting the convention — Hilton San Francisco Financial District — with demands to cancel the event, and have asked civic leaders to denounce it.

Now tell us how many people in the city’s women-community are pissed off that the trans communniny wants to get their meeting canceled. Tell us which people are the bullies here.

Women’s Declaration International USA has been denounced as bigots masquerading as feminists by the National Organization for Women. Last year, the group participated in a protest against trans athletes, alongside multiple organizations designated as hate groups by the Southern Poverty Law Center. 

NOW is wholly captive. The issue is not “trans athletes”; the issue is men invading women’s sports and thus ruining them for women. The SPLC is not god and it’s dead wrong on this issue, as is the SF Chronicle, especially this brainless reporter.

Women’s Declaration International USA has made Bay Area appearances before and last November staged a small rally in Oakland to protest the transfer to a women’s prison of Dana Rivers, a trans woman who killed a lesbian couple and their child.

Uh, yes? And that was wrong and bad why exactly? A man who killed a lesbian couple and their child should be in a women’s prison why exactly?

There are several more paragraphs of this dreck.

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