Guest post: The concession that gets the justification spiral going

Originally a comment by Bjarte Foshaug on But whose dignity?

Using preferred names and pronouns, referring to TIMs as a kind of “women” (more specifically the “trans” kind as opposed to the “cis” [1] kind), reframing special privileges as “rights”, reframing forced obedience as “respect” or “dignity” etc. are the Trojan horse, the foot in the door, the thin end of the wedge, the seemingly (at the time) benign concession that gets the justification spiral going:

Only a weak-minded dolt would have made these concessions because of simple peer-pressure, tribalism, fear of ostracism etc. But I’m not a weak-minded dolt, so if I did make those concessions, it had to be the only reasonable, or even decent, thing to do. By the same logic, the people who didn’t make the same concessions have to be unreasonable, indecent bigots and haters who only deserve to be fired from their jobs, being flooded with hate on social media 24/7, having their names pulled trough the dirt all over the internet etc. They have to be the villains so that I can be the good guy!

If “Linda” (she/her) here, with her “lady-cock”, is indeed (as I have already conceded!) just another kind of “woman”, comparable to black women, disabled women, working class women etc., who but a bigot could possibly advocate excluding “her” from women’s toilets/changing rooms/showers/jails/rape shelters/sporting events/awards etc.? Furthermore, since “Linda” (she/her) has to be a “woman”, being a “woman” (of any kind!) cannot be about biological sex. In fact, biological sex cannot enter into it at all [2], since that would allow us to talk specifically about biological females to the exclusion of “women” like “Linda” (she/her), hence sex has to be arbitrarily “assigned at birth”, a Western cultural construct (inextricably linked to Western hegemony, cultural imperialism and white supremacy), a “spectrum”, or, at the very least, too complicated and messy [3] to allow us to say anything about the sex of individuals. On the other hand the word “woman” has to refer to something real. After all how can “Linda” (she/her) be “a real woman” if there are no real “women”? Therefor something other than physical traits has to make “Linda” (she/her) a woman. And not only that: To make it true that “Linda” (she/her) does indeed belong (as I have already conceded!) in all the same spaces as the apocryphal biological females, the thing that makes the latter group “women” has to be the same as the thing that makes “Linda” (she/her) a “woman”. Hence biological females are whatever they have to be to make “Linda” (she/her) one of them, and they don’t get a say in the matter [4]. Well, if someone is indeed a “woman” in every relevant sense of the word, they don’t stop being so the moment they commit a crime, so “Linda’s” (she/her) long history of violently forcing her “lady-cock” on “cis” women is irrelevant to whether or not she belongs in a women’s prison. And if that means putting the cis women at increased risk of rape and violence, that’s their problem. Fuck’em! I mean literally!

I think something like the above is not too untypical of how people get from a (misguided, but still) sincere desire to be “kind”, treat others with “dignity” and “respect” etc. to putting dangerous rapists in women’s jails and going out of their way to destroy anyone who objects.

1. Once again, either “trans women” relate to “cis women” the way baseball bats relate to fruit bats (i.e. not at all, it’s just a bad pun), or there is no justification for equating biological females with “cis women”.

2. Unless the point is to argue for the necessity of puberty-blockers, cross-sex hormones, “gender affirming” surgery etc. Then Oceania has always been at war with East-Asia changing one’s physical features into a bad simulation of the ones associated with the other (supposedly non-existent, or at least totally irrelevant) biological sex is so vitally important that anything other than automatic affirmation in advance is “hate”, “violence”, or even “murder”.

3. Needless to say, no comparable demand for clearcutness or simplicity applies to “gender identity”: Circular definitions (or no definitions at all), equivocations (a.k.a. bad puns), word-magic, proof by assertion/loudness/endless repetition etc. Anything goes.

4. Since the thing that makes both “Linda” (she/her) and the apocryphal biological females “women”, cannot be physical traits, it has to be something “internal”, a way of thinking or feeling etc. best left unspecified. Hence calling someone a “woman” (whether “cis” or “trans”) is to make an implicit claim about what’s going on inside their heads. An exception can be made for a minority of “trans men” and “non binary” people as long as no one challenges the larger framework of “male” vs. “female”, “masculine” vs. “feminine” ways of thinking and feeling.

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