
The tits guy is on paid leave. So that’s how to get an extra vacation!

A Canadian high school teacher has been put on leave after reportedly wearing prosthetic breasts in class.

Not just “reportedly”; there are photos.

Parents of students at Oakville Trafalgar High School southwest of Toronto, where Kayla Lemieux taught shop class, grew frustrated after months of debate regarding her appearance.

No, that’s not exactly right either. One, it’s his appearance, and two, it’s not so much his appearance as the obvious, in your face, insulting fakery of it. It looks not so much like identifying as a woman but rather insulting women in general. Plus it looks childish, or else kinky, or a weird mashup of both. At any rate, imagine if he wore vaudeville-style blackface to teach his class.

Blackface - Wikipedia

I doubt he would have been allowed to do that for weeks and weeks before getting paid leave.

The decision to place the teacher on leave came after The Post reported that journalists followed her and discovered she only wears prosthetics in class and appears to dress as a man while not at work.

The pronouns are on paid leave too.

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