Too small to measure

A tiny step in the right direction, perhaps.

A senior member of the Labour frontbench has offered an apology to a fellow MP, Rosie Duffield, who has said she felt ostracised by the party because of her views on gender reforms.

Duffield had also accused male party colleagues of trying to shout her down in the Commons earlier this year when she spoke to back the government’s move to block gender reforms proposed in Scotland.

Well it’s not just a matter of “accusation”; we saw them do it.

“There are times when Rosie’s kind of tweeted or liked certain things and I’ve been really upset and there were times where, you know, I’ve taken a much more defensive position around trans equality and Rosie’s felt that [I] personally, and others, haven’t listened.”

What the hell is “trans equality” and what does it have to do with anything? Nobody on Team Gender Critical wants to make trans people “unequal” in any way. That’s a massive part of this whole problem: we’re accused of wanting to take away “trans rights” or taking a wrong position on “trans equality” when those are not the issue. It’s trans-identifying men who want to encroach on or just destroy women’s rights; it’s not the other way around.

A tiny tiny step.

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