Be sure always to call it please “research”
Asexual babe shares her tits with an enthralled public.
If she really is “asexual” why does she choose to pose for photos looking so exaggeratedly sexual? It’s like saying you hate country music while regularly posing for photos playing a banjo.
Also, what research? If she’s a visiting research fellow then what’s her research going to be? Hair twiddling 101? Wearing a bra instead of a shirt? Attention seeking in adulthood?
I wonder if they could give me a visiting fellowship in not playing sport. I’d happily dress in football/tennis/golf gear. (Swimming’s out. I DO NOT look good in Speedos.)
I’ve never seen any campus photographs that look like that, except for TiMs. Most campus website photos are professional and modest. I have no beef with someone choosing to dress as they like, but if you’re going to sexualize yourself, then say you are asexual, and put that sexual photograph out there on a professional site, I’m calling bullshit on the whole thing.
Francis Boyle, I could get a fellowship in not collecting stamps. I should figure out the proper outfit, of course. What do stamp collectors wear while pursuing their hobby?
Is she teasing about being “asexual,” or just teasing.
I thank God every day that He made me an atheist.
(But Ophelia: I thought you had used that Tom Lehrer line before, so I searched, and you have used it a lot! It’s a good one, though. Hard to find a replacement?)
Sadly, this kind of nonsense is too dominant on what passes for the American “Left”. Self indulgent fetishes as proud movements.
Harald, hahaha I know, wordpress told me after I posted, and I cringed. But…a great line is a great line.
That print just looks absolutely terrible.
Blood Knight In Sour Armor: well, it’s clearly designed to break up her shape against the background, so that German U-boats have a hard time assessing her speed and direction.
Dazzle camo would actually look a lot better… At least it has the virtue of not being boring.
Boring AND hard on the eyes.
So do they connect test subjects to EEGs and EKGs in order to measure…nothing? Are they ejected from the study if they accidentally become horny? More importantly, do they risk expulsion from the asexual “community”?
Why did this make me think of Eddie Izzard’s “girl mode, boy mode” ridiculousness? Does an “era” last longer than a “mode”?
Perhaps this is the strategy being persued by Alok Vaid Menon?
Asexuals talking about themselves is always a mood killer. Perhaps there’s a way to use that to make everyone functionally asexual?