All entries by this author

Even the slightest measures

Mar 15th, 2024 10:46 am | By

Parents who give their children guns may find themselves in hot water if those children use the guns to shoot their classmates.

The father of a Michigan school shooter who killed four students has been convicted of involuntary manslaughter. The trial heard James Crumbley, 47, ignored his 15-year-old son Ethan’s mental health needs, buying him the gun he used in the November 2021 attack. He and his wife – who was convicted on the same charges – now both face a maximum of 15 years in prison.

Here’s a thought – don’t give guns to children.

Earlier this week in her closing arguments to the jury of six men and six women, prosecutor Karen McDonald called the attack “preventable and

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A chance to discuss

Mar 15th, 2024 10:26 am | By

Sex Matters informed us about the bill a few days ago.

This Friday a private member’s bill in the House of Commons presents MPs with a chance to discuss changing the law to clarify the meaning of “sex” in the Equality Act, stop the social transitioning of children in schools, and ban healthcare providers from prescribing puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to anyone under 18 years old. 

Most laws that are enacted start as bills that are put to the Houses of Parliament by the government. But backbench MPs can also introduce legislation through private members’ bills (PMBs) such as this one. 

While it’s not as common for a private member’s bill to make it through all the stages in

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Labour misogynists

Mar 15th, 2024 10:18 am | By

Apparently Labour MPs think women’s rights are a big joke.

Liz Truss has accused Labour MPs of “filibustering” to stop her proposed transgender law reforms from being debated in the House of Commons.  Ms Truss tabled the Health and Equality Acts (Amendment) Bill which aims to bar transgender women from female-only spaces such as changing rooms and toilets, along with preventing them from competing in women’s sport. 

It shouldn’t even need a law, really. Of course men should be barred from female-only spaces like changing rooms and toilets. That’s the point of the “female-only” bit. And of course they shouldn’t be competing in women’s sport, because it’s women’s sport.

It was third on the list of Private Members’ Bills

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Mar 15th, 2024 4:25 am | By

Omigod the shame and horror – I’ve only just realized.

You’re not going to believe this but all my blankets are binary. Every single one.

And now I think of it so are the chairs. So are the walls. So is the toaster.

I’m in it up to my eyeballs, aren’t I. Complicity. I might as well just turn myself in at the nearest police station.… Read the rest

How could they possibly have foreseen?

Mar 14th, 2024 12:03 pm | By
How could they possibly have foreseen?

Bless those Salisbury Beach people, they plaster photos of their damaged expensive houses that are a few feet from the ocean all over their Facebook group so that the whole world can see how entitled they are. Check it out:

The fucking ocean is right fucking there you fucking fools what did you think would happen?… Read the rest

Omigod the sand is gone

Mar 14th, 2024 11:51 am | By

How dumb can you get?

A group of wealthy US homeowners spent $565,000 (£441,000) to build protective sand dunes near their properties – only to have the barriers wash away in days.

Where were these properties? Why, on a beach. Hello: beaches have been disappearing from under beach houses for decades, far longer than anyone’s been talking about climate change. I have vivid memories of dangling halves of houses on the New Jersey shore back in the 60s. Why in hell would anyone think for a second that bringing in more sand to be washed away would be useful?

I mean even without the last few decades of experience, are people not aware of what sand is? Do they … Read the rest

Define your terms, Zippy

Mar 14th, 2024 11:19 am | By

This guy should be booted off Twitter for constantly lying about gender skeptics.

That’s just a lie. People who don’t believe in magic gender are not “working to remove” anyone’s rights, we’re working to protect women’s rights. Trans people don’t have a right to shove women aside and replace them with men in lipstick. Pinheads like Thomas Willett need to stop burbling about “trans rights” without ever defining them or explaining … Read the rest

The case of the transfeminine law clerk

Mar 14th, 2024 9:58 am | By

Or maybe it was a matter of influencers.

What is a “transfeminine jurist”?

What does it mean to “move through academia using a profoundly transdisciplinary approach”?

What is a “transfeminine law clerk”?

If Florence is a trans woman why does he call himself “they”?… Read the rest

More appropriate

Mar 14th, 2024 9:50 am | By

You have GOT to be kidding.

The National Post [Canada]:

The Supreme Court of Canada ruled in a recent sexual assault case that it was “problematic” for a lower court judge to refer to the alleged victim as a “woman,” implying that the more appropriate term should have been “person with a vagina.”

In other words it’s “more appropriate” to call victims of sexual assault cunts.

In a decision published Friday, Justice Sheilah Martin wrote that a trial judge’s use of the word “a woman” may “have been unfortunate and engendered confusion.”

While “person with a vagina” would engender no confusion?

Martin does not specify why the word “woman” is confusing, but the next passage in her decision

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Guest post: The supernatural bits get in the way

Mar 13th, 2024 5:56 pm | By

Originally a comment by Your Name’s not Bruce? on They simply memorized a rule.

when faced with a “gut” common-sense feeling that something’s amiss with transgender ideology, the “rote lesson” they’ve absorbed is to distrust their own “gut” sense that something’s wrong because there must be some kind of higher, intellectual, rational justification out there somewhere that they fear they just haven’t worked out yet.

Kind of like, All these other important people have figured it out already; why haven’t I?

On occasion, I’ve wondered how it is that this exact kind of argument never worked with regards to religious belief. There’ve been lots of important and brilliant people who’ve held devout religious belief, yet their own faith made … Read the rest

Go on, infantilize us some more

Mar 13th, 2024 11:19 am | By

You’ll not believe me but this is a real thing.

Here it is right here at Police Scotland here. The police, talking baby talk to the citizenry.

Have you met the Hate Monster?

The Hate Monster, represents that feeling some people get when they are frustrated and angry and take it out on others, because they feel like they need to show they are better than them. In other words,

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Peak maximal superlative inclusivity

Mar 13th, 2024 10:56 am | By

Cool, the Royal College of Midwives has invented a new way to gestate and push out babies.

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That’s it, that’s the tweet

Mar 13th, 2024 10:32 am | By

Oh thank god, Amnesty International has found the way to fix everything.

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Mr Dodgson

Mar 13th, 2024 10:27 am | By

I started re-reading Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland last night (for the 5th time? 10th? 20th? I don’t know). Kept shrieking with laughter at the language jokes.

Suddenly she came upon a little three-legged table, all made of solid glass; there was nothing on it except a tiny golden key, and Alice’s first thought was that it might belong to one of the doors of the hall; but, alas! either the locks were too large, or the key was too small, but at any rate it would not open any of them.

How she longed to get out of that dark hall, and wander about among those beds of bright flowers and those cool fountains, but she could not even

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Four adults and

Mar 13th, 2024 6:30 am | By

What a bizarre choice.

BBC Debate Night then gives a short bio for each debater, concluding with

It looks like one of Moley’s jokes but it isn’t, that’s the actual BBC tweet.… Read the rest

Guest post: They simply memorized a rule

Mar 12th, 2024 4:48 pm | By

Originally a comment by Artymorty on Oh look a sharp rise in referrals.

Wouldn’t you think that would alarm the people in charge? Wouldn’t you think they would pause to try to figure out why referrals skyrocketed like that? Wouldn’t you think they would not just assume it’s because a real need is at long last being met? Wouldn’t you think they would want to make sure they hadn’t simply created a market just as advertisers create markets for particular movies or shoes or cars? If you build it they will come along to get their bits cut off.

It never ceases to amaze me the rationalizing people do. People want moral certainty and simplicity, and that means they … Read the rest

Oh look, a sharp rise in referrals

Mar 12th, 2024 10:47 am | By

More on the no more puberty blockers news:

Children will no longer be prescribed puberty blockers at gender identity clinics, NHS England has confirmed. The government said it welcomed the “landmark decision”, adding it would help ensure care is based on evidence and is in the “best interests of the child”.

Makes you wonder why care wasn’t already based on evidence and in the best interests of the child.

It used to be widely understood that “in the best interests of the child” very very often meant “not what the child wants in the moment.” It used to be widely and well understood that children don’t always know what’s best for them. I still wonder how that understanding vanished … Read the rest

NHS has confirmed

Mar 12th, 2024 10:16 am | By

No longer:

Children will no longer be prescribed puberty blockers at gender identity clinics, NHS England has confirmed.

Puberty blockers, which pause the physical changes of puberty such as breast development or facial hair, will now only be available to children as part of clinical research trials.

Fewer than 100 young people are currently on puberty blockers and they will be able to continue their treatment, it has been confirmed.

But is it “treatment” or is it something else? That’s rather the issue, isn’t it?… Read the rest

How hackneyed some of the thought is

Mar 12th, 2024 9:06 am | By

Stock on Butler part 2.

There isn’t a single objection lodged against opponents that does not come freighted with the implication of moral taint and/or stupidity. Of course, painting one’s intellectual enemies as cartoon characters is a known tactic of modern transactivism; still, it is shocking to see it done so crudely by someone who retains a high reputation in many quarters.

The many quarters are the more easily fooled ones, as of course Stock knows and expects us to understand.

It is also striking how hackneyed some of the thought is. Butler’s writing in her heyday at least displayed a bit of panache and originality, assuming you could parse it successfully. In contrast, here she comes over as in

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Hard to read without laughing

Mar 12th, 2024 8:36 am | By

Reading Kathleen Stock’s heartwarming review of Judith Butler’s new book on Y R terfs so evil. I’ll say one thing for JB: she’s a brilliant catalyst for jokes.

Not for her the pedestrian business of going through critics’ arguments, providing non-partisan evidence, and patiently exposing internal contradictions and gaps in an understated but cumulatively devastating manner. 

She could do that, she says, but she goes on to not do it.

Instead, she wants to give the people what nobody was really asking for: a deconstruction of the “syntactical elements” of the “anti-gender movement”, understood as a “phantasmic scene” according to the “theoretical formulation of Jean Laplanche”.

Oh well then. If we’re bringing in Jean Laplanche then it’s game over. (New … Read the rest