Posts Tagged ‘ Lawrence Krauss ’

The university is not the only one to take action

Mar 11th, 2018 1:25 pm | By

The Times reported a few days ago:

Arizona State University has suspended Lawrence M. Krauss, a prominent theoretical physicist, while the university investigates accusations of sexual misconduct over a decade.

“In an effort to avoid further disruption to the normal course of business as the university continues to gather facts about the allegations, Krauss has been placed on paid leave and is prohibited from being on campus for the duration of the review,” the university said in a statement released on Tuesday.

Oh but I’m sure they’re just a bunch of fanatical SJWs out to get Krauss for no other reason than terminal political correctness.

Dr. Krauss, a professor in the university’s School of Earth and Space Exploration, is director

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He’s famous because everybody talks about him because he’s famous

Mar 9th, 2018 5:09 pm | By

The New Zealand Herald reported on Lawrence Krauss’s absence from the tour there in May.

A celebrity atheist facing a raft of allegations of inappropriate behaviour towards women has backed out of a New Zealand tour.

Lawrence Krauss was due to speak on a double-bill with Richard Dawkins at the Science in the Soul tour in May in Auckland and Christchurch, but the promoter this morning announced he would no longer be on the bill.

Instead, Dawkins would appear at the two Science in the Soul shows alone, with a new co-host to be announced, Australia-based Think Inc said.

Then not alone but with a new co-host. Anyway – do we think there’s any chance the new co-host will be … Read the rest


Mar 6th, 2018 9:55 am | By

Peter Aldhous at BuzzFeed, one of the three names on the Lawrence Krauss article, reports on one slice of the reaction:

The nexus of the US skeptic community, the Center for Inquiry, today suspended its ties with physicist Lawrence Krauss. The decision came 11 days after BuzzFeed News revealed a series of allegations of sexual harassment against him.

In a tweet, the organization said, “Serious allegations have been raised regarding Lawrence Krauss, and we suspend our association with him pending further information.”

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Bros protecting bros

Mar 5th, 2018 12:51 pm | By

Adam Lee has a post on the wall of silence around Lawrence Krauss. We like to pounce on churchy sexual predators, he observes, but then we back away in panic if it’s one of the bros.

When serious allegations of sexual assault were made against Michael Shermer, several high-profile atheist individuals and groups circled the wagons around him and tried to build a wall of silence – either dismissing the accusations as unimportant, outright refusing to mention them, or trying to dissuade others from doing so. To this day, Shermer hasn’t faced any personal or career consequences that I’m aware of.

And now the same thing appears to be happening with Krauss.

There’s a group of people calling themselves 

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Subtle hint

Feb 26th, 2018 8:17 am | By

Oh hell.

Note the date. The BuzzFeed article came out on February 22.

Bros before hos, I guess.

Just a few weeks ago the Origins Project went on an Amazon cruise:

Join Lawrence Krauss and Richard Dawkins for an enlightening 8-day cruise in the Amazon beginning December 30, 2017.

Spend 8 days aboard the world class Delfin II, the perfect setting to explore questions ranging from the origins of evolution and life in the Amazon, to issues of biodiversity and our changing

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Those who wish to have their tickets refunded

Feb 23rd, 2018 12:32 pm | By
Those who wish to have their tickets refunded

There will be only two men to celebrate science and reason in Phoenix tonight instead of three. (Still zero women, of course. Women know nothing of reason and science.)

The Celebration of Science & Reason event in Phoenix tonight will move forward with Sam Harris & Matt Dillahunty in conversation. Those who wish to have their ticket refunded due to the absence of Lawrence M. Krauss, please call the the following numbers:
Venue sales: 1-800-745-3000
Presales: 604-785-3690

I suppose this is a built-in hazard of having these all-male Celebrations of All the Brain Things That Women Can’t Do Because They’re Stupid – one or more of the men will turn out to have a long string of sexual … Read the rest

Tix still available

Feb 22nd, 2018 1:22 pm | By

A bit more on the BuzzFeed story (read the whole thing to get the grim details).

In December, after BuzzFeed News contacted him about allegations of sexual harassment, Krauss tweeted a link to an article that argued the #MeToo movement was morphing into a “Warlock Hunt.” A month after that, he tweeted a story about French women denouncing #MeToo, writing, “I find their statement brave and thought-provoking, representing free-thought and skepticism at its best.”

Science!… Read the rest

Want to actually wrestle?

Feb 22nd, 2018 12:42 pm | By

Oops. This could be awkward.


On a hotel bed? No thank you.

Ohhhh – no wonder his method is pinning women to beds.

God these bros are repulsive.… Read the rest

Another one

Feb 22nd, 2018 11:55 am | By
Another one

The BuzzFeed story is out at last.

Lawrence Krauss is a famous atheist and liberal crusader — and, in certain whisper networks, a well-known problem. With women coming forward alleging sexual harassment, will his “skeptic” fanbase believe the evidence?

Or will it just continue ranting about “SJWs” and “Cultural Marxism” and “witch hunts” and “going too far”?

The authors (Peter Aldhous, Azeen Ghorayshi, and Virginia Hughes) start with Melody Hensley’s story of Krauss’s Harvey Weinstein routine – moving a dinner invitation to his hotel room and then assaulting her.

Krauss told BuzzFeed News that what happened with Hensley in the hotel room was consensual. In that room, “we mutually decided, in a polite discussion in fact, that taking it any

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