Trump will create a new constitutional norm

May 11th, 2019 10:38 am | By

Jeffrey Toobin points out that our constitutional system wasn’t set up to deal with a Trump.

The Framers anticipated friction among the three branches of government, which has been a constant throughout our history, but the Trump White House has now established a complete blockade against the legislative branch, thwarting any meaningful oversight. The system, it appears, may simply be incapable of responding to this kind of challenge.

So the framers didn’t plan for assholes, aka malignant narcissists, aka psychopaths. Bit of a mistake, that.

Federal judges deal with disputes between Congress and the White House one case at a time, but that won’t do with this blockade.

But this approach by the courts—adjudicating one Administration claim of defiance

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Milkshakes and demonitization

May 10th, 2019 4:24 pm | By

Meanwhile Carl Benjamin is on the outs with YouTube.

YouTube has demonetised Carl Benjamin’s Sargon of Akkad video channel after the political commentator turned UKIP candidate made comments about raping a woman MP.

Earlier this week, West Midlands police announced an investigation into Benjamin’s remarks made in a YouTube video about Labour MP Jess Phillips, where the UKIP European election candidate questioned whether he’d rape her before concluding “nobody’s got that much beer”.

I was just objecting to Twitter’s permanent banning of a woman who told a boy he is not a lesbian. Should I also, to be consistent, object to YouTube’s demonitization (you should forgive the word) of Carl Benjamin’s YouTube?

There are two (or more) ways of … Read the rest

Carl and Milo on tour

May 10th, 2019 4:05 pm | By

One of the better headlines:

UKIP candidate Carl Benjamin in Truro milkshake melee

Not a Truro milkshake melee!? The horror.

Two protesters have thrown milkshake at UKIP European election candidate Carl Benjamin at a rally.

Mr Benjamin was holding a gathering on Lemon Quay in Truro, Cornwall, with British activist Milo Yiannopoulos.

It is understood a man and a woman tried to target Mr Benjamin with the milkshake but missed.

So not really much of a melee then. Fortunately, by way of consolation, the Beeb provided a photo of blobs of what could be bird shit or puke or melting snow or a vanilla milkshake, helpfully captioned “Milkshake could be seen on the ground after the incident.”

It gets better … Read the rest

Siri, what is “hateful conduct”?

May 10th, 2019 2:58 pm | By

Remember this from a few days ago?

Now Twitter has made the ban permanent.

Twitter is calling it “hateful conduct” to tell that boy he is not a lesbian. Twitter is saying that to tell that boy he is not a lesbian is “to promote violence … Read the rest


May 10th, 2019 12:18 pm | By


That is, huge increase in gay male couples seeking to rent women’s bodies to make them their very own bespoke baby. Lesbian couples don’t need to rent women to make a baby; men think they’re entitled to rent women to get whatever they want. Isn’t it funny how men don’t recognize or acknowledge the exploitation of renting women’s bodies, yet do manage to remember to disguise what they’re doing by talking about “same-sex couples” in the headline and the tweet?… Read the rest

Guest post: Always a seething undercurrent

May 10th, 2019 11:19 am | By

Originally a comment by latsot on A roar rose from the crowd.

The UK is lost in a mire of racist sentiment. We’re sinking into the lie that things were better back then even when “then” means times like the 70s when absolutely everything was absolutely bad and the only reason we managed to keep our heads above the shit floating on every surface was… you know… those immigrants. Coming over here, the bastards, rescuing our economy and being totally fucked over because of it. You know, like those Windrush people, who we tricked into coming here to do the jobs we didn’t want to do and then we tried to deport their children and grandchildren? You know, those … Read the rest

Only the beginning

May 10th, 2019 10:47 am | By

Paul Waldman on Rudy’s junket:

There are some news stories so jaw-dropping that you have to read them two or three times to make sure you’re not hallucinating. So it is with a story in the New York Times in which Rudolph W. Giuliani announces to the world that he is going to Ukraine to pressure that country’s government to use its official resources to assist in President Trump’s reelection effort — by mounting an investigation he hopes will produce dirt on Joe Biden.

Yes, Trump is trying to collude with a foreign government in an attempt to aid his campaign by creating negative stories about a potential opponent. Again.

Well, it worked the first time, so why wouldn’tRead the rest

A willingness to become a vassal of hostile foreign powers

May 10th, 2019 10:37 am | By

Jennifer Rubin on Giuliani’s travel plans:

Democrats should call this out for what it is: Betrayal of, and disloyalty to, the United States.

Beyond that, the House should expeditiously pass a law making it mandatory for a campaign to report all contacts with foreign officials, prohibiting solicitation of information or action from a foreign government for the purpose of influencing a campaign, and making it illegal to knowingly use material provided directly or indirectly from a foreign government in a campaign.

Should Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) refuse to take up the measure, he would confirm the moral degradation of the Republican Party and the same unpatriotic attitude that prompted him to oppose a robust warning in 2016

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Rudy’s trip to Kiev

May 10th, 2019 10:12 am | By

Giuliani’s travel plans are raising eyebrows.

Rudolph W. Giuliani, President Trump’s personal lawyer, is encouraging Ukraine to wade further into sensitive political issues in the United States, seeking to push the incoming government in Kiev to press ahead with investigations that he hopes will benefit Mr. Trump.

Mr. Giuliani said he plans to travel to Kiev, the Ukrainian capital, in the coming days and wants to meet with the nation’s president-elect to urge him to pursue inquiries that allies of the White House contend could yield new information about two matters of intense interest to Mr. Trump.

One is the origin of the special counsel’s investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election. The other is the involvement of

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Project Blitz

May 10th, 2019 9:48 am | By

The theocrats are sneaking bible study into public schools via bullshittery.

Bible classes in public school could become increasingly common across the United States if other states follow Kentucky’s lead in passing legislation that encourages high schools to teach the Bible.

The bible is a historical document and a literary work, or rather a collection of literary works, and it’s also a religious text. It could be taught in public schools under the first two categories but the third one doesn’t belong there.

Activists on the religious right, through their legislative effort Project Blitz, drafted a law that encourages Bible classes in public schools and persuaded at least 10 state legislatures to introduce versions of it this year. Georgia and

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Hearing on May 14

May 9th, 2019 5:22 pm | By

At least one judge is fast-tracking.

CNN reports:

Congress and Donald Trump’s fight over his financial records is now on the fast track.

Judge Amit Mehta plans next week to weigh the major legal issues raised in President Donald Trump’s challenge of a congressional subpoena for his accounting firm’s records, according to an order issued Thursday — putting the case on an even faster track than it previously looked to be.

Congress has subpoenaed Trump and his business’ accounting records from the firm Mazars USA, and

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Something nicer

May 9th, 2019 12:16 pm | By

I’m not tearing up, you’re tearing up.… Read the rest

Armed men order migrants to stop

May 9th, 2019 11:44 am | By

Let’s find out more about these here United Constitutional Patriots.

CNN a couple of weeks ago:

They’d been keeping watch near the border for weeks, drawing little notice as they shared live videos from their desert outpost.

But after posting videos last week showing armed men wearing military fatigues detaining migrants who just crossed the border into New Mexico, a militia group known as the United Constitutional Patriots now finds itself under fire.

State authorities in New Mexico have condemned the group. The American Civil Liberties Union accuses the militia of kidnapping migrants. And now a leader of the group is facing charges of illegal weapons and ammunition possession brought by the FBI.

Hey what’s a little private army … Read the rest

11 is not 91

May 9th, 2019 11:13 am | By

When he wasn’t giggling joyously at the plan to shoot immigrants at the border, Trump was lying about Puerto Rico. Of course he was.

President Donald Trump spent the opening minutes of a campaign rally in Panama City Beach, Florida on Wednesday attacking hurricane-ravaged Puerto Rico for not sufficiently appreciating his administration’s relief efforts—which critics have decried as grossly inadequate—and attempting to use a bar graph to bolster his repeatedly debunked claim that the island has received a record amount of storm aid.

“I brought a chart. Would you like to see a chart?” Trump said, pulling a piece of paper from his jacket pocket to cheers from the audience.

“That’s Puerto Rico and they don’t like me,”

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Getting the journalists out

May 9th, 2019 10:46 am | By

Apparently the Trump administration has done a purge of journalists who report on the Trump administration? That’s what Dana Milbank says.

The White House eliminated most briefings and severely restricted access to official events. And this week came the coup de grace: After covering four presidents, I received an email informing me that Trump’s press office had revoked my White House credential.

I’m not the only one. I was part of a mass purge of “hard pass” holders after the White House implemented a new standard that designated as unqualified almost the entire White House press corps, including all seven of The Post’s White House correspondents. White House officials then chose which journalists would be granted “exceptions.” It did

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One of the more vocal figureheads

May 9th, 2019 10:00 am | By

We need a break from the horror of watching a president of the US laughing gleefully at the recommendation to shoot immigrants at the border, so how about we reminisce about the days of Gamergate:

Most women who were working in or around the video games industry in late 2014 know exactly who Benjamin is. He was one of the more vocal figureheads of Gamergate, an online “movement” that began when an aggrieved ex-boyfriend spread malicious gossip about his game-developer ex-girlfriend. It metamorphosed into a coordinated harassment campaign against a huge number of women, under the smokescreen of anti-censorship and concern over ethics. It is now impossible not to see Gamergate as a foreshadowing of a disease that

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High crimes

May 9th, 2019 8:44 am | By

The Post story by Antonia Noori Farzan continues –

The president has long been accused of endorsing acts of violence through his incendiary rhetoric and allusions to the potential for violence at his rallies, a charge that members of his administration deny.

Reached for comment by The Washington Post on Trump’s reaction at the Florida rally, Matt Wolking, deputy communications director for the Trump campaign, pointed to a response he had given to many critics on Twitter. The president, he noted in his tweet, had specifically said that Border Patrol wouldn’t use firearms to stop migrants from entering the country.

Shameless ratbag. If you watch the video you can see that Trump said the Border Patrol can’t use firearms … Read the rest

A roar rose from the crowd

May 9th, 2019 8:26 am | By

The Post on Trump’s Hitler moment:

A roar rose from the crowd of thousands of Trump supporters in Panama City Beach on Wednesday night, as President Trump noted yet again that Border Patrol agents can’t use weapons to deter migrants. “How do you stop these people?” he asked.

“Shoot them!” someone yelled from the crowd, according to reporters on the scene and attendees.

The audience cheered. Supporters seated behind Trump and clad in white baseball caps bearing the letters “USA” laughed and applauded.

“That’s only in the Panhandle you can get away with that statement,” Trump replied, smiling and shaking his head. “Only in the Panhandle.”

He wasn’t smiling, he was smirking and grinning.

We need to get this Read the rest

More on that

May 9th, 2019 8:23 am | By

The Post title isn’t right though – he doesn’t laugh it off, he laughs it in.

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Hitler moment

May 9th, 2019 8:12 am | By

Oh, god.

Watch the clip. Watch the clip to see and hear his glee, his smirking grinning joy.… Read the rest