Edge of what though?

Is it edgy comedy to have a good laugh about a particular genocide?

Jimmy Carr has been condemned by anti-hate groups including the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust, the Auschwitz Memorial and Hope Not Hate for his comments about the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller community in his Netflix special.

I have no idea who Jimmy Carr is, apart from someone who had a Netflix special and fancies himself a comedian.

Carr said: “When people talk about the Holocaust, they talk about the tragedy and horror of 6 million Jewish lives being lost to the Nazi war machine. But they never mention the thousands of Gypsies that were killed by the Nazis.

“No one ever wants to talk about that, because no one ever wants to talk about the positives.”

I saw the clip earlier today. There was laughter but it wasn’t a great big roar. There’s no indication of how big the audience was so maybe it was a big roar for that particular audience, but it wasn’t the kind of torrent you usually hear for killer jokes. In short it was my impression that not everyone laughed.

Anyway, point is – genocide jokes at the expense of the victims as opposed to the perps are not so much “edgy” as…that other thing. Carr said it was edgy though.

The Auschwitz Memorial urged Carr to “learn about the fate of some 23 thousand Roma & Sinti deported to Auschwitz” in a tweet to their 1.2m followers.

Well I think he knows their fate; that’s what the joke was about.

The Guardian sums up:

It will be an unwelcome row for Netflix, who last year faced an intense backlash and a staff walk out after comments made by Dave Chappelle about transgender people in his comedy special.

Not comparable. Not comparable at all; not even close. Transgender people are not being packed into cattle cars and sent to gas chambers. It’s not necessary to catastrophize about trans people on every occasion.

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