He just wants to race competitively

Emily (formerly Zack) Bridges has issued A Statement:


“I am an athlete, and I just want to race competitively,” he says, skipping lightly over the fact that he just wants to race competitively against people who are systematically smaller and less muscular than he is.

“No one should have to choose between who they are, and participating in the sport they love.”

But it isn’t who he is, it’s who he isn’t. Who he is is a man, with a massive physical advantage over the women he wants to race against. Yes he should have to choose, because it’s grossly unfair to the women if he doesn’t.

“I’ve been relentlessly harassed and demonised by those who have a specific agenda to push,” he says. What about his specific agenda? What about his specific agenda to compete against women when he has the body of a man? What about the obvious (yet widely ignored or hidden or both) unfairness of that?

No mention. Of course. It’s all about him.

Also he apparently included a photo with his “statement.”

Note the come-hither lips-ajar pose.

Updating to add a less artificial photo, courtesy of Lady Mondegreen:


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