Web of confusion

Y?CA Scotland.

First: “We refer to our primary audience as self-identifying young women and girls.” Why self-identifying? Why not just young women and girls? Silly question. Because that would be transphobic. It has to be a matter of opinion rather than a matter of fact, because otherwise it’s exclooosionary.

But the YWCA has always been for young women and girls, just as the YMCA has always been for young men and boys. They’ve never been the YSIWCA ad YSIMCA. It was always an objective observable fact, not a self-identifying mental state. Why change it? To appease people who go off like sirens if they’re not appeased.

And then, not satisfied with having already given away the W to people who call themselves women, they do it all over again but worded differently. Their audience is inclooosive of people of marginalised genders – which are who now? Plural marginalised genders? What are we talking about? How do we know? Why is the fog so thick? And “who feel comfortable in a space that centres the experience of young women and girls” – but you’ve just revealed that you don’t center the experiences of young women and girls. You’ve just announced that you think of girl-being as a matter of self-identifying rather than fact or body, so you don’t center the experiences of young women and girls, you center the experiences of people who tell you they think of themselves as women or girls.

You can’t do both. You can’t insist that being female is a matter of “identifying as” and still pretend you center the experience of female people.

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