Posts Tagged ‘ Princess Ivanka ’

Intentional calculated fraud

Jan 9th, 2020 11:42 am | By

We knew they knew, but now there’s even more evidence that they knew.

Donald Trump Jr and Ivanka Trump took part in a fraudulent scheme to sell units in a luxury New York condominium-hotel and “knew they were lying”, according to a new book that explores how the current US president built his business empire.

Questions have long surrounded a criminal investigation into the Trump family’s dealings around the Trump SoHo that was dropped in 2011. Public disclosure of email correspondence revealed that Don Jr and Ivanka knowingly used figures that exaggerated how well the condos were selling in a ploy to lure more buyers.

Also how would they not know, also it was their responsibility to know. If you’re … Read the rest

Griftanka in Doha

Dec 14th, 2019 10:25 am | By

Oh good god – this again. Empty-head Ivanka nepotizing her way to an economic conference despite all the regulations and laws that forbid it.

I’m sure it was a pleasure, but it was an illegal pleasure, because of all the conflicts of interest, and the laws against using the office to profit self or family, and the law against presidents hiring family, not to mention the time-honored custom of putting people who know something in jobs of that kind.

She also pretended to do an “interview” with a “journalist” but it was actually a staged self-promotion with a Read the rest

A lervly hike through the mountains

Aug 20th, 2019 12:07 pm | By

The Guardian reports that Princess Ivanka is being accused of hypocrisy for posting vacation snaps full of nature.

Ivanka Trump shared a series of pictures on social media over the weekend of herself, husband Jared Kushner and their children availing themselves of the natural wonders of Wyoming.

“Love. Wonder. Wander. Repeat,” the president’s daughter and adviser captioned in one photo, in front of a painterly backdrop.

The response to the photos, on the other hand, was not quite as generous of spirit, as various social media users piled on with a mix of attacks on her father’s poor environmental record in office and other policies.

In another photo posted to Twitter, Ivanka showed a lovely hike through the mountains. “Where

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The princess’s once-in-a-lifetime experience

Jul 18th, 2019 10:23 am | By

What I keep saying. Princess Ivanka’s silence speaks volumes.

Ivanka Trump wants it both ways.

Since joining her father’s White House as a senior adviser in early 2017, the first daughter has reserved the right to toggle between a strict and loose construction of her portfolio. When flashy opportunities arise—such as the chance to play diplomat with Kim Jong Un—the edges of her purview, which she often defines as “women’s economic empowerment,” become conveniently blurry. But when the issue du jour is particularly messy, she is quick to clarify its limits, thus absolving herself of accountability for problems that exist outside it. When The View’s Abby Huntsman, for example, asked Trump in February why she didn’t speak up

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Eyes on the prize

Jul 16th, 2019 1:52 pm | By

Well at least Princess Ivanka is speaking out.





You didn’t believe me did you?

Ok but she said something yesterday, right?

I guess Princess Ivanka is very very busy.… Read the rest


Jul 9th, 2019 10:15 am | By

The vulgar spectacle continues to unfurl.

The UK’s “wacky” ambassador to the US is “a very stupid guy” Donald Trump has said, amid a row over leaked emails.

This came after Downing Street reaffirmed its “full support” for Sir Kim Darroch.

It’s like having Triumph the Insult Comic Dog as president.

Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt said Mr Trump’s comments are “disrespectful and wrong to our Prime Minister and my country.”

In a tweet to Mr Trump, the Tory leadership hopeful added: “Ambassadors are appointed by the UK government and if I become PM our Ambassador stays.”

A spokesman for Theresa May said that Sir Kim is “a dutiful, respected government official” and confirmed there are no plans for Mrs

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Here there and everywhere

Jul 1st, 2019 5:06 pm | By

Still more.

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Neville and Buzz and Elvis

Jul 1st, 2019 11:58 am | By

A few more.

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She was there

Jul 1st, 2019 9:23 am | By

#UnwantedIvanka is trending. It’s hilarious.

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She wrote it this morning when she woke up

Jun 30th, 2019 1:19 pm | By

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It’s all about money n stuff

Jun 30th, 2019 9:09 am | By

Oh god the shame of it.

Why is she there at all? Why is she talking? Why is she pretending to have some business thrusting herself into that conversation?

But at least a dog wouldn’t try to say words.

But … Read the rest

Hot opportunities

Apr 23rd, 2019 9:25 am | By

Saw this

So followed the link; the article is from last October. It shows the Trumps as being basically the kind of people who hype condo shares and red hot developments that turn out to be next to an oil refinery and thus not worth what the buyers were conned into paying for them. They’re the Duke and the Dauphin but more successful at it.

A pattern of deception ran through the Trumps’ real

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“So no special treatment”

Mar 1st, 2019 7:59 am | By

Stone cold liar.

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They lie as they breathe

Feb 27th, 2019 10:00 am | By

In a break from watching the Cohen hearing, here is another lie that needs indignant documenting.

Donnie retweeted this lie from Princess Ivanka:

No it wasn’t. That was not the question asked of her. That question that was asked of her? It was not that. Her characterization of it is dishonest, in the sense that it is a lie.

Here is the clip. What Steve Hilton actually asked her is:

Here’s the Green New Deal, here’s the guarantee of a job.

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Princess Ivanka says let them drink lemonade (at a steep markup)

Feb 26th, 2019 9:51 am | By

Ah yes, Ivanka Trump, the expert on what working people want and need.

Most Americans don’t want a “guaranteed minimum” as outlined in the Green New Deal Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) is spearheading, Ivanka Trump told Fox News in an interview released Monday night.

Why it matters: President Trump’s elder daughter and White House senior adviser discussed in the interview, to be broadcast on Sunday, whether the 2020 presidential election would be centered around her father’s capitalism versus the Democratic party’s perceived pivot toward socialism. She said the U.S. economy was “doing very well” under her father’s presidency. When asked what she would say to people to whom Ocasio-Cortez’s new deal policy appealed, Trump said: “I don’t think most

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But the president had no involvement

Feb 8th, 2019 4:40 pm | By

Princess Ivanka says Daddy had nothing to do with her security clearance. My god she must be stupid if she thinks that’s credible. Daddy had everything to do with it; nobody else on earth would hire her for a menial job, let alone one requiring a security clearance.

President Trump’s oldest daughter, who serves as a senior adviser in the White House, denied on Friday that her father was involved in issuing security clearances for her or her husband, Jared Kushner.

Ivanka Trump made the remarks during an interview with the ABC News host Abby Huntsman in an interview for “The View.”

“There were anonymous leaks about there being issues,” Ms. Trump said. “But the president had no involvement

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Smiles wavered

Feb 6th, 2019 12:04 pm | By

There’s a new art installation in town, a performance art piece by Jennifer Rubell in which Princess Ivanka runs a vacuum cleaner over a carpet.

It seems likely a few smiles wavered inside the White House when the Trump family learned about Rubell’s work. On Tuesday morning, Ivanka tweeted a link to an article about the performance piece and said: “Women can choose to knock each other down or build each other up. I choose the latter.”

Oh please. She works for the pig who brags about grabbing women by the pussy, and energetically and publicly insults any woman who crosses him. She works for him, defends him against critics, pockets the corrupt and illegal profits. She’s not “building … Read the rest

Trademarks for wedding dresses, sunglasses and child care centers

Jan 22nd, 2019 9:53 am | By

Disgusting as ever: Princess Ivanka is still corrupt.

vanka Trump has been granted five trademarks from China for her currently defunct company as her father’s administration continues negotiating with Beijing over trade.

Trademarks for wedding dresses, sunglasses and child care centers were approved on Sunday, the Associated Press reported. An additional trademark regarding brokerage, charitable fundraising and art valuation services was approved earlier this month.

Although the applications were filed in 2016 and 2017, the process for the trademarks has moved forward this month as trade talks between White House negotiators and China have appeared to progress. As long as there are no objections, the trademarks will now be finalized within the next three months, according to the

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Maybe she could also be Secretary General of the UN?

Jan 12th, 2019 5:42 am | By

Nepotism? What nepotism? I don’t see any nepotism. Do you see any nepotism?

Meanwhile, Ivanka Trump is said to be under consideration to lead The World Bank. Not a joke.

The DC-based World Bank, founded after World War II to finance economic-development projects in emerging economies, has traditionally been led by an American. Kim’s sudden departure from the bank came as a surprise to employees and leaves the bank’s future uncertain.

The Trump administration, which has been wary of and even hostile toward Western-led international institutions like the World Bank, will now be tasked with submitting a recommendation to the bank’s board.

So naturally Trump’s airhead daughter is on the list! Why wouldn’t she be? She has experience marketing … Read the rest

But her emails

Nov 19th, 2018 4:07 pm | By


Ivanka Trump sent hundreds of emails last year to White House aides, Cabinet officials and her assistants using a personal account, many of them in violation of federal records rules, according to people familiar with a White House examination of her correspondence.

White House ethics officials learned of Trump’s repeated use of personal email when reviewing emails gathered last fall by five Cabinet agencies to respond to a public records lawsuit. That review revealed that throughout much of 2017, she often discussed or relayed official White House business using a private email account with a domain that she shares with her husband, Jared Kushner.

The discovery alarmed some advisers to President Trump, who feared that his daughter’s practices

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