Watch your mouth

Prizes for avoiding Bad words like “girls” and “boys”:

More than 300 schools have been told to stop calling pupils ‘boys and girls’ after signing up to a scheme run by a controversial trans rights lobbying group.

Primaries, secondaries and even nurseries teaching children as young as two receive awards from the charity Stonewall if they ‘remove any unnecessarily gendered language’ from the classroom.

They are urged to use ‘they’ instead of ‘he’/’she’ and ‘children’ or ‘young people’ instead of ‘boys and girls’. 

That’s pretty crappy journalism (Daily Mail; sorry), since it makes three conflicting claims in those three sentences. Which is it? Have schools been told to stop? Or are they being bribed to do so via awards? Or are they urged to?

Anyway, we get the gist. Gendered words are bad. If we stop using them Utopia will ensue.

Other demands include installing gender-neutral toilets and making both boys and girls wear the same uniforms.

Are they demands? Or are they requests, or are they ways to earn rewards? Plz clarify.

Stonewall’s website says ‘any educational institution catering for pupils aged 2-18’ can sign up to the School & College Champions programme, with membership costing £99 for the first year.

One secondary that won the award in 2021 said its activities included ‘writing a trans-inclusion policy, adapting the School Journey policy to be LGBTQ+ inclusive, and collating LGBTQ+ inclusive lessons from across the curriculum’.

Trans trans transy trans.

I guess Stonewall is just bored with dreary old lesbians and gay men. So last year. Before long they’ll be bored with transy trans, and move on to something else. Don’t mention giraffes, perhaps.

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