Lies in the headline
They what?!
Arkansas banned health care for a group of people? How can that be?

That’s how – by wording it deceptively. Arkansas didn’t ban health care for trans teenagers, it banned “gender affirming” care, i.e. puberty blockers and amputations. The NBC headline is honest, the Washington Post one is fuzzy, the Insider one is just a lie, like the ACLU tweet.
The Arkansas Senate passed a bill Monday that would ban access to gender-affirming care for transgender minors, including reversible puberty blockers and hormones.
But puberty blockers are not entirely reversible.
It’s interesting how much obfuscation and lying appears to be necessary for this fad to keep going.
“I really worry about the fact that we’re just a few votes away from some of the most sweeping and damaging and potentially genocidal laws from ever being passed, and we barely have a mention of it in the bigger national conversation of what’s going on in this particular moment in U.S. history,” [Chase] Strangio said.
Lots of us worry that we’re telling so many teenage kids that it’s lifesaving and fabulous to try to be the opposite sex by taking puberty blockers and maybe having bits of yourself cut off. Maybe that’s actually more “genocidal” than not doing it. Lesbians are becoming horribly scarce.
Strangio said the consequences of all of the bills are the same: People are going to lose health care. “I don’t think I ever imagined a world where we would start ripping health care away from people, essentially forcing them to detransition by government coercion,” Strangio said.
But it isn’t health care. Cutting off people’s breasts or penises not for medical reasons but because of a socially-generated idea in the head is not health care.
It may be that the law, under these circumstances, is too brutal. I don’t know. But this rush to convince everyone that change of sex via hormones and surgery is the best thing ever is way too brutal.
The ideology has taken over most of the left, I fear. Other sites I enjoy, scathing, harshly rational sites (Marcus Ranum can be amazing).. an article on the execrable Ted Cruz.sure enough has a trans person showing up saying that everyone on the right wants to murder him/her.
Exactly as I described before. Expanding a (contested) existential to a universal through syntax that renders either. They know this isn’t a ban on all healthcare for “trans” youth, and they also know their syntax is ambiguous, but they’re dishonest, little shits.
“ The Arkansas Senate passed a bill Monday that would ban access to gender-affirming care for transgender minors, including reversible puberty blockers and hormones.” – from NBC.
I could also say (and easily defend):
The Arkansas Senate passed a bill Monday that would ban access to highly controversial so-called “gender-affirming” experimental treatments for distressed, mostly gay and lesbian youth, including radical and poorly studied drugs created for prostate cancer that can cause irreversible side effects and cross sex hormones that lead to infertility, and increase heart and cancer risks, while showing poor evidence that they relieve the distress they are supposed to treat.
The tweet following that one contains “Our rights and lives are under attack.” It’s pretty obvious that the ACLU’s mission has been taken over by Chase’s personal viewpoint.
“genocidal laws” — Chasio and the ACLU become more preposterous every day. I think this kind of rhetoric reduces their credibility to nearly zero, but apparently the media can’t be arsed to do more than parrot this shit verbatum. Meanwhile people who rightly see the trans cult demands as an assault on women’s and girl’s rights don’t get much press, certainly not headlines.
Catastrophizing is a symptom of many mental illnesses. Luckily there’s absolutely no pattern of comorbidity of transgender ideation with mental illnesses…
Any competent therapist should identify catastrophic thinking and give advice on strategies to avoid it. Competent therapy is, of course, transphobic and genocidal.
I found this via la scapigliata’s Twitter stream:
Here’s a link to this study:
If the 87% desistance rate for this study of boys holds up across all children, then yes, an “affirmation only” approach for dysphoric children is going to needlessly “trans” five times as many as might hypothetically benefit. I’m not a doctor, but that sounds like a lot of collateral damage. That’s a lot of cannon-fodder for allowing all those AGP TIMs to validate and legitimize their paraphilia. But they can look on the bright side: transing the gay away means that in the future, all those LGBT+ organizations will have fewer gay men and lesbians to complain about the “all T, all the time” direction many seem to have taken.
Yes I’ve been seeing that 87% desistance rate too, and thinking good GOD how can anyone go on thinking blockers and amputations are a good idea? It’s horrifying.