From both sides of the Atlantic

Jun 5th, 2017 10:57 am | By

The Beeb on Trump’s horrific behavior:

Mr Trump’s attacks on Mr Khan have drawn condemnation from both sides of the Atlantic.

His critics have accused him of being insensitive and twisting the mayor’s words.

Politicians in the UK on Monday called on the prime minister to withdraw the invitation for Mr Trump’s state visit later this year.

The leader of the Liberal Democrats, Tim Farron, said: “This is a man insulting our national values at a time of introspection and mourning.”

Over the weekend, Prime Minister Theresa May refused to criticise Mr Trump, simply saying that Mr Khan was doing a “good job”.

I suppose she doesn’t want to inspire him to start insulting her on Twitter. You know … Read the rest


Jun 5th, 2017 10:08 am | By

Trump three hours ago:

People who are not Trump:

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When he saw that people were desperate

Jun 4th, 2017 4:54 pm | By

Goddam immigrants, right?

A Romanian chef thought on his feet when he hit an attacker over the head with a crate and let 20 terrified people into the bakery where he works during the terror attack on Borough Market.

Florin Morariu has been hailed on social media as a hero after taking in the people and apprehending the attacker.

The baker, who works at the Bread Ahead bakery in the market, told The Associated Press: “We were looking out of the window because we saw that everyone was agitated, everyone was running, people, women… they were fainting, falling and we went outside to see what was happening.”

He said when he went outside and saw two people stabbing others,

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More Limbaugh than Lincoln

Jun 4th, 2017 4:43 pm | By

Chris Cillizza on Trump’s non-presidential quality in light of his grotesque tweets last night and this morning.

Trump tweeting things to forward his own agenda in the wake of terrorist attacks is nothing new. Following shootings in an Orlando nightclub that left 49 people dead, Trump offered this: “Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism, I don’t want congrats, I want toughness & vigilance. We must be smart!” After an incident of a knife-wielding man at the Louvre Museum in Paris, Trump tweeted: “A new radical Islamic terrorist has just attacked in Louvre Museum in Paris. Tourists were locked down. France on edge again. GET SMART U.S.”

In short, the tweetstorm following the London attacks isn’t the

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Plunging to a new depth

Jun 4th, 2017 1:03 pm | By

Philip Rucker at the Post underlines how disgustingly out of control and malevolent Trump is.

A traditional president would have reacted carefully to the London Bridge terrorist attack by instilling calm, being judicious about facts and appealing to the country’s better angels.

Donald Trump, of course, is no traditional president. He reacted impulsively to Saturday night’s carnage by stoking panic and fear, being indiscreet with details of the event and capitalizing on it to advocate for one of his more polarizing policies and to advance a personal feud.

He started by retweeting a brainless headline from the Drudge Report.

Before offering his condolences to the British people, the victims of three gruesome attacks in as many months, Trump pecked

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Trump reaches out by attacking London’s mayor

Jun 4th, 2017 12:48 pm | By

Trump of course made everything worse by being an asshole on Twitter.

Not what a decent head of state is supposed to do.

Naturally people in the UK – once our closest ally, would you believe it?! – are not much pleased.


Donald Trump has sparked fury after hitting out at Sadiq Khan over his response to the London terror attack.


Following the atrocity, Sadiq Khan said he was “grieving” for the victims and said the terrorists “would not win”.

But the US President slammed that

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Running and crying

Jun 4th, 2017 12:30 pm | By

The NY Times has a lot of first-person accounts.

It was a warm, drizzly Saturday night, and the bars at Borough Market here were packed, as usual. Tucked below an offramp of London Bridge, near the banks of the Thames, the market is a warren of narrow streets populated with trendy bars and restaurants, where some people had just finished watching the Champions League soccer final.

Then came the loud bang of a crashing van. Then came three men slashing at patrons with knives. Then screams, sirens, chaos — and, finally, gunfire as arriving police officers shot the three assailants dead.

“A huge group of people started running towards us,” said Graham Forester, who was in a taxi

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Jun 3rd, 2017 3:38 pm | By


A security guard who oversees a number of pubs in the area has told the BBC he saw four people stabbed by three attackers.

The man, who was deeply shocked and asked not to be named, said he was at the Market Porter pub when a colleague at another bar said there was a stabbing at the Borough Bistro pub nearby.

He said he went towards this pub and saw that “everybody started running” and there was screaming.

The eyewitness added that he saw three attackers, one of whom had a long knife and stabbing people, including a girl in her early 20s.


Natalie and Ben were coming up to the entrance of the underground on Borough High

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London Bridge

Jun 3rd, 2017 3:32 pm | By


Pedestrians have reportedly been hit by a van on London Bridge in Central London.

An eyewitness told the BBC several people were injured.

Armed police officers and paramedics are now working at the scene, in what Transport for London describes as a “major police incident”.

Vehicle ‘mounted pavement’

BBC reporter Holly Jones, who was on the bridge at the time of the incident, said the van was driven by a man and was “probably travelling at about 50 miles an hour”.

About five people were being treated for injuries after the vehicle mounted the pavement and hit them, she said.

She said the van, which was travelling from the direction of central London, headed towards the south

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Hot dogs not daube de bœuf à la provençale

Jun 3rd, 2017 12:46 pm | By

Trump doesn’t have time to fill vacancies at FEMA and NOAA because he’s so dang busy planning things like a “Pittsburgh not Paris” rally in Lafayette Park. (Wait, Lafayette? Isn’t that some damn frog name? Couldn’t they have found a good Murikan-name park to hold a rally at?)

President Donald Trump’s campaign announced a “Pittsburgh, not Paris” rally across from the White House on Saturday to celebrate the United States’ withdrawal from a global climate agreement.

The Fairfax County Republican Committee and the Republican Party of Virginia are sponsoring the rally in Lafayette Square, which is scheduled to begin at 10 a.m. Saturday, according to an announcement from the Trump campaign.

Yeeah! And while we’re at it, Detroit not … Read the rest

Can we offer you a flotation device?

Jun 3rd, 2017 12:23 pm | By

Here’s a fun idea – let’s cut funding and stop hiring for agencies that deal with weather disasters at a time when weather disasters are more frequent every year. That should work out well.

This year, key federal agencies that state and local governments and the public depend on still don’t have leaders. Nearly five months after Donald Trump was sworn in as president, NOAA, the agency that oversees the government’s weather forecasting, is still without an administrator, as is the agency that responds to disasters, FEMA.

Well, Donnie’s been very busy. All that golf, all those tweets, all those fascist rallies, all that phoning up dictators to tell them where the subs are at the moment – that eats … Read the rest

Prince Vanity

Jun 3rd, 2017 11:00 am | By
Prince Vanity

Oh christ. Donnie has given himself a new cover photo on Twitter. It betrays what a vain self-absorbed idiot he is.

As if the whole point of being president is flying around in the big blue plane to work up crowds of people.

Every day we learn afresh what a child he is.… Read the rest

Dry and tight

Jun 3rd, 2017 10:11 am | By

There’s always the old “what daft thing can someone suggest women stick up themselves to make everything dryer and tighter” standby. Jen Gunter found one suggesting oak galls.

Sometimes to distract myself from the hot mess in the White House I Google unusual vaginal therapies and today’s BINGO comes from that gynecological gem that is Etsy, purveyor of not only vaginal herb balls but also of balls of wasp detritus and bark meant for the vagina.

What, you ask, are oak galls? Well my friend they are balls of bark and wasp excreta that once nurtured a wasp larva (so I suppose there may also be wasp larval residue, not sure what that might be but an image of

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Citing human rights abuses as justification

Jun 2nd, 2017 4:34 pm | By

Trump has found another Obama action to reverse.

President Trump is considering reversing major pieces of the Obama administration’s opening with Cuba and reinstating limits on travel and commerce, citing human rights abuses by the Castro government as justification for a more punitive approach.

That’s funny, because just the other day he was telling the Saudis that he wasn’t there to “tell them how to live” – by which he meant, to tell them not to imprison, flog, or kill people for being atheist, or to tell them not to treat women as helpless brainless children, or to tell them not to treat foreigners like so much garbage. He went on to all but crawl into their arms and … Read the rest

Guest post: A big shout-out to the laws of physics

Jun 2nd, 2017 2:13 pm | By

Originally a comment by Bjarte Foshaug on A classic post-truth policy.

The orange incarnation of infinite stupidity and evil certainly deserves all the hate and contempt in the known universe and beyond, but let’s not talk as if everyone else were suddenly performing admirably on the climate issue. The truth of the matter is that there are no good guys in this story (or, if they exist, they’re as marginalized and on the fringe as you can possibly get).

If actions speak louder than words there is practically a universal consensus across the industrialized parts of the world that we are definitely going to emit more – a lot more – carbon than even the most optimistic scientific assessments … Read the rest


Jun 2nd, 2017 11:38 am | By

I mentioned the other day I don’t like Kathy Griffin’s severed head photo. I don’t like threatening imagery of that kind, no matter who’s doing it and no matter who’s the target. (On the other hand if she’d released it yesterday right after the Rose Garden announcement, instead of Tuesday, I might have lost sight of that dislike.) But that doesn’t mean outrage from Trump and co is anything other than bullshit.

Imagine? Imagine??! We don’t have to imagine, lots of people did that to Obama. Donald Junior’s own … Read the rest

A reprieve

Jun 2nd, 2017 10:21 am | By

Better news for CEU:

Central European University announced Tuesday that it will remain in Budapest for the 2017-18 academic year, amid hope that it will be able to do so for the long run as well.

The university, founded in 1991, has American and Hungarian accreditation and offers graduate education in the social sciences and various professional fields. The university has won international praise for the quality of its academic programs. But a law passed in Hungary in April has endangered the university by requiring that it offer programs in New York State, where it is chartered but does not offer programs. The law has been condemned by academics worldwide as an attack on the university…While the exact motives

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Such a maneuver would likely draw a backlash

Jun 2nd, 2017 9:48 am | By

More bogus “suspense” from the Trump camp. Will he invoke “executive privilege” to stop Comey testifying, or won’t he? Stay tuned to find out.

Legal experts say Trump could invoke a doctrine called executive privilege to try to stop Comey from testifying. But such a maneuver would likely draw a backlash and could be challenged in court, they said.

Just a tad. What would that look like? Trump fires FBI director to prevent him from investigating Trump’s ties to Putin, then invokes “executive privilege” to prevent him from testifying. Self-incriminating much?

Also, checks and balances. What checks and balances are there if a Trump can hide behind executive privilege to protect the very crimes that need to be investigated?… Read the rest

When women go outside

Jun 2nd, 2017 8:47 am | By

Speaking of bullies – a news show host in Australia tore a strip off the Daily Mail for its habit of degrading and shaming women. One of the examples he gave was so bizarre I googled it and found the details.

To be fair, this weekend’s Daily Mail Australia story about Channel Seven television host Sam Armytage wearing granny underwear didn’t set out to demean and humiliate me. It only set out to demean and humiliate Armytage, and Armytage alone.

How else would you explain taking a photo of her on the street, from behind, without her consent, and plastering the results on the internet: “Sam Armytage dares to bare with her giant granny panties showing visible line

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In all things

Jun 2nd, 2017 8:30 am | By

In small things as well is in large, Trump is consistent: he’s a mean, sadistic, bullying asshole who enjoys belittling and shaming people because he likes to see people feeling bad. He insults Merkel and Obama and Warren and Curiel, and he insults people who work for him.

In Trump’s White House, aides serve a president who demands absolute loyalty — but who doesn’t always offer it in return. Trump prefers a management style in which even compliments can come laced with a bite, and where enduring snubs and belittling jokes, even in public, is part of the job.

That right there? That’s an asshole. That’s a 100% brass-plated irredeemable asshole. We’ve all known them, and they suck.


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